Chapter XXIII

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    They enter the elevator quietly, Sal looking over at Travis and noticing his silence, Gizmo in his arms. "Is everything okay? You're acting odd." he questions Travis, concerned even after he nods and they make eye contact.
    He takes note of Travis's pink face, nodding back in acknowledgement of Travis's response as the elevator dings and the doors open to the fourth floor. Travis leads them to 402, Sal opening the door for them and spotting Gizmo jumping out of his arms and in the doorway, waiting. " I'll feed you in a sec and then I'll prolly go back to sleep, I'm so tired after today.'' Sal hums quietly, half to the cat and half just commenting to himself, Travis walking through the doorway and making sure not to step on the orange cat meowing back at Sal.
    Sal scoops Gizmo back up from the floor before walking through the door, closing it behind him with the top of his worn down converse. Travis toes off his shoes slowly, half in his thoughts, leaving his dark grey shoes by the now shut and locked door and running a hand through his (piss blonde) hair, exhausted yet restless. Sal puts his hair back up into a loose ponytail, setting Gizmo down next to his food bowl that sits by the fridge and filling it with the food. Gizmo meows in appreciation before eating, and Sal stands back up, watching Gizmo for a moment longer before turning to put the food away. Travis walks into their dimly lit room, laying down in the bed and not bothering to change out of his clothes, the dark green comforter half on top of him. He thinks back to the earlier events back at the field, hiding his face in his pillow in embarrassment, unbelieving that he had actually kissed Sal's head while they were under the stars. After a few minutes of trying to desperately calm himself and forget about it, he sits up quickly at the sound of the door creaking open. He sees Sal walk into the room, rubbing his pitch black eyes and running a hand through his messy bangs that clings to his prosthetic. "Hey Sal.." Travis whispers to him, adjusting the comforter on the bed and looking to his hands holding the sheets.
    Sal nods a hello, walking to the closet and pulling out a sanity falls shirt, replacing his current shirt with it and throwing his discarded shirt in the washing basket that sits by his bed. He also grabs dark blue shorts with a white drawstring, changing the rest of his clothes and stumbling to the bed by Travis, his tiredness making his head spin as he holds the nightstand. He climbs into bed next to Travis, barely able to keep his eyes open, and they exchange glances and a small smile, Sal's being through his eyes due to the prosthetic. He lays down, facing away and taking off his prosthetic, laying it on his bed frame and resting his head into his pillow, it oddly warm as his face nestles into it. (I wonder why, I'm looking at you Travis) Travis lays back down, seeing Sal's exhaustion and not bothering to start up a conversation with him, continuing to face him however as Sal's back is turned to him. He closes his eyes just in case Sal does end up moving in his sleep, and the silence almost seems to get too loud as time passes. He starts to hear Sal's quiet and light snores, that being the only indication he had fallen asleep, Travis unable to help but smile. He subtly wraps his arm around the smaller boys torso to take hold of his hand, convincing himself that it is okay, that it isn't wrong to hold one's hand like this. He relaxes his body, hearing his phone ping with a notification but not bothering to check it, not wanting to know what it is. After what felt like hours to Travis, he finally dozes off, right when the opportunity comes falling asleep.

    Sal feels Travis's body press against his back as he wakes up, his blue hair falling into his face and Travis's arms around him. His body goes hot in embarrassment from the situation, as well as a tinge of a different feeling in his chest, though incomprehensible to Sal. He sits up once able to squirm out of Travis's grasp, hearing Gizmo's meowing for attention from the floor next to the bed. Sal fixes Travis's (Piss) blonde hair out of his face, his dark complexion almost completely hiding his freckles that cover his skin. Sal smiles at the small detail, grabbing his prosthetic and clasping on the straps carefully. He starts to stand up before Travis rewraps his arms around him, pulling him back to him. Sal yelps, Travis burying his face half in Sal's chest. "Trav, wake up, it's morning." Sal quietly hums, his red face covered by his prosthetic.
    Travis finally wakes up with a groan, not ready to wake up but forcing himself to anyway. He opens his eyes to see Sal, his brain processing and immediately letting go of Sal. "Sorry!" He exclaims quickly, embarrassed and moving away from him.
    Sal finally stands upon being let go of, picking up Gizmo, who has been meowing at him since he was woken up. He pets Gizmo, giving him the attention that was asked of him and facing Travis. "If you take your clothes downstairs to the lobby there is stuff for laundry and such to clean them. You can also take a shower here, I'll leave a towel out for you while I feed Giz breakfast and do my chores." he says, already leaving to retrieve the towels and get started.
    Travis flops back onto the bed, planning out his day and covering his eyes with one of his arms, groaning. "Why am I like this..." He mutters, just having Sal in his arms not too long about it, trying not to get too close to him and endanger him.

|(Authors note): this post was made at 4am so sorry if it's not long or eventful, I will surely post 24 and 25 in the coming days. Thank you if you joined my live.|

Word count: 1011 words without authors note, 1055 with it

||The Secrets We Keep|| - Salvisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن