Chapter II

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      Travis walks through the small hallway leading to sal's bedroom, so many thoughts running through his head at once, staying silent as Sal explains to him the layout of his apartment, "The door to the left is the bathroom, first door to the right is my room, and the second door is my dads room."
Travis nods along to his words, half paying attention as he looks around, getting to the doorway of Sals room before pausing, sal opening the door and looking at him. "I–Thank you, so much, for helping me and letting me stay over here." Travis stumbles on his words, looking away and rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
Sal nods, leaning against the doorframe by his shoulder. "Of course Travis, I do care about you, no matter how bad it has been in the past. I am always here if you need help." Sal hums, fixing the collar of his shirt, the awkwardness dissolving into the air once the words are out.
Travis smiles lightly, letting Sal lead him into his bedroom, and he looks around curiously, getting used to the dimly lit room. He puts his bag down by the door, as well as his shoes once he had made sure he was able to. "I'm sorry this place isn't much-" Sal starts, before Travis cuts him off quickly.
"You helped me out and led me into your own home, you do not have to apologize for anything. And plus, I don't think it's too bad.." Travis mumbles quickly, his face going warm in embarrassment at his last few words, brushing the hair out of his eyes as a distraction.
Sal pauses at the suddenness of Travis's words, his stomach churning in an indescribably blissful feeling Sal can't even begin to comprehend, and he faintly smiles, not being able to show through his eyes. "Thank you Travis, that means a lot." He murmurs, burying his hands into his pocket and shifting from one foot to the other.
Travis nods, looking away from him and more so around the dark room, most stuff unable to be seen except for its outline. He feels a small presence by his ankles, and he looks down to see gizmo rubbing by them and walking inside the room, before walking past Sal and jumping onto the bed. Gizmo curls up into the bed, and Sal takes out his hair, keeping the straps of his prosthetic tight enough on the back of his head as he secured the hair tie around his wrist. "You can take the bed, I will take the floor." Sal says, stretching before walking over to the bed and fixing the pillows on the bed, grabbing one and putting it on the floor, starting to get a blanket.
Travis scrambles for an answer, quickly trying to shut it down upon realization of what Sal had said, his face a light pink. "Y–you really don't have to do that! I can take the floor, I don't want to make you uncomfortable in your own home." He stutters, avoiding the next words that threaten to tumble out of his mouth, I don't think I can handle sleeping in your bed.
Sal shakes his head no, continuing what he was doing as he speaks, making a makeshift bed on the floor beside his mattress where Travis will presumably sleep. "You are injured, if you're comfortable it will be easier to heal faster as well, i can take sleeping on the floor, i promise you." he starts to grab another blanket to set onto on the floor, petting gizmo as he takes it.
Travis frowns, stepping by sal so he is in his line of vision, and so he has his attention. "I don't want you to feel obligated to do that, or sleep like a visitor in your own home." He adjusts his shirt on his body, oddly nervous, a bit unsure as to why however as he slightly fans himself with his hand.
"If you are that worried about it we can just sleep in the same bed." Sal says out of nowhere, seeming to make time stop, and the atmosphere goes quiet, for Travis at least. Travis freezes suddenly, his face going pink and him looking away instantly just at the thought of sleeping next to sal, pushing away the thoughts he had buried so long ago trying to come up to the surface.
"I- I don't mind either way. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable in your own home." Travis mutters, trying to hide his face, holding himself calmly. Sal chuckles, seeming to pick up on Travis's nervousness, picking up gizmo and petting him, placing him on a different side of the bed.
"As long as you face away from me, I am fine with it. And do not turn to face me, no matter what." Sal says sternly, running a hand through his hair, and Travis nods quickly, unsure at first to why he is given the request, though not questioning him.
"Of course, I understand." Travis says quickly, using his hands to gesture as he speaks, rubbing one of his arms by the bandages anxiously.
Sal nods in agreement, Travis sitting on the bed to the side as Sal fixes the pillows back onto the bed, giving equal amounts of pillows and blankets to both sides. Once he is done, Travis lays down carefully, immediately turning away from Sal as he had been instructed to, still unbelieving that this night has happened. "Goodnight Travis," Sal whispers, laying down as well and facing away from Travis, gizmo in his arms as he gets comfortable and situated.
"Goodnight Sallyface," Travis responds quietly, almost inaudible, and he hears the straps of sals prosthetic being removed, understanding why he was asked to stay facing away now, slightly pressing the side of his cheek into the pillow, it smelling of sal, his face going warm at the thought and burying his face in the pillow fully.
Sal feels his heart pounding in his ear from nerves as he takes off his prosthetic slowly and carefully, placing it on his nightstand beside him, holding gizmo lightly and hoping that Travis doesn't go against his promise, lifting his blanket over to his chin, covering his face with his hair just in case. Travis feels his exhaustion set in, drifting off and letting himself fall asleep relatively quickly. Sal hears Travis's breathing even out and exhales in relief, closing his eyes and loosening his grasp on Gizmo, and eventually letting himself fall asleep back to back with travis.
Travis slowly blinks awake, his arms and head aching, and he groans quietly, rubbing his eyes and seeing the light spill out through the windows. He goes to sit up, before feeling a presence holding him, quickly realizing sal huddled into his chest.
       He doesn't look down, knowing how Sal doesn't want Travis to see his face, and he keeps his chin resting on the top of sals head, his heart rate quickly picking up and racing. He slowly wraps his arms around him for a quick moment, appreciating the moment and reclosing his eyes, exhaling quietly. Sal lightly moves a bit closer into him, his hair messy from sleep and pressed into him, unaware as to what is happening around him. Travis slowly moves his head so the side of his face is resting on the top of sals head, unsure if he should remove his arms, so keeping put.


||(Authors note: thank you for reading todays chapter, and for everyone who had joined my live on TikTok and has supported me so far! It means a lot to me, truly :) )||

Word count: 1291 with authors note, 1253 without

||The Secrets We Keep|| - SalvisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora