Stealthy Encounters

Start from the beginning

Within a few minutes, they arrived at the entrance to Knockturn Alley. Beyond that, he could see a bustling crowd and a large, well-lit street. This was the Diagon Alley he remembered. He turned to look at Daphne, who had dropped his hand. He frowned, missing the warmth of her hand.

"Okay, Potter. I'll see you later now. Don't get in any trouble, okay?" said Daphne, before turning away.

Before she could walk away, however, Harry grabbed her hand.

"Wait! You never told me why you were in Knockturn Alley yourself! Isn't it a place for... dark magic?" he asked.

She gave him a long look, before walking to an empty alley sandwiched between two stores. He followed her. As he approached her, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards herself.

"It's a secret, Potter. Maybe I'll tell you one day." she whispered softly in his ear, before letting go. She winked at him and walked away, leaving a very, very stunned Harry Potter behind.

Harry's heart was beating so fast he worried it might burst. What was up with that girl? Why did she want to kill Harry indirectly? He began to miss her presence again, as he walked into the street, looking for Flourish and Blotts. That's where he and the Weasleys had intended to go in the first place.


Harry was exhausted. He had just spent hours signing books and getting photos clicked with Gilderoy Lockhart, his Defence Against the Dark Arts professor and famous celebrity. Harry didn't like the attention, but Lockhart sure did. He forced him to stay for what seemed like hours. He finally managed to slip away when Lockhart was occupied describing his second bestseller, 'Gadding With Ghouls', in detail to an enthusiastic fan.

He saw the Weasleys gathered around Mr. Weasley, who seemed to be in a heated argument with a slick looking blonde man. Not wanting to interrupt them, Harry paid for his books quickly and went outside. The air was filled with the scent of vanilla ice-cream, for some reason. He went over to the nearest ice cream parlour, Florean Fortescue's.

He was surprised to see Daphne Greengrass there. Today is a lucky day, I get to see Greengrass again! Harry was about to say hello when he noticed an older man standing next to her. It must've been her father, judging by the similar golden hair and piercing blue eyes. They seemed to be having an argument, too. As the man walked away, Harry noticed Daphne sit on the chair in a rather stiff manner. He felt like he should do something to make her feel better, even though he had no idea what she was feeling. So he went and bought two ice cream sundaes.

"Hey, Greengrass." Harry slid into the seat next to her.

"Go away, Potter." groaned Daphne, without looking at him.

"Come on, I got you ice cream! I don't know what flavour you like so I got two different ones, you can pick what you like. I have vanilla and strawberry."

"What're you trying to do?" she asked, finally turning towards him. Her eyes had the tiniest hint of sadness in them.

"Nothing, I just wanted to thank you for helping me out of the alley. So, thank you." said Harry, as he tentatively pushed both the sundaes towards her.

"I like vanilla." she smiled slightly, as she grabbed the vanilla sundae.

"That's awesome! I love strawberry," said Harry, "Because it reminds me of you." He whispered the last sentence incredibly softly. Daphne looked at him quizzically but didn't ask anything.

They ate mostly in silence. As they finished, Daphne got up and said she had to leave, as it was time to go home. Harry cast a quick Tempus and cursed silently. He had been gone for nearly an hour! The Weasleys must be looking for him. He told her he had to leave, as well.

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