Caste - 4

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So basically caste 4 is all about the introducing ALEX'S FAMILY

Gimmy Smith and Fiona Smith

Alex grandparents
Near about 70 years old

Kirish Smith and Selnia Smith

Alex parents
Near about 50 years old

Luca Smith and Natalya Smith

Alex elder uncle aunt
Near about 50 years old

Victor Smith and Palia Smith

Alex Younger uncle aunt
Near about 45 years old

Mike Smith

Alex Younger brother
24 years old

Aerum Smith

Alex little sister
23 years old

Alessandro Smith

Luca and Natalya elder son
26 years old

Nathan Smith

Natalya and Luca Younger son
20 years old

Leo Smith

Victor and Palia elder son
26 year old ( few months Younger than Alessandro)

Antino Smith

Victor and Palia middle child
23 years old ( elder than Aerum by few months)

Sofia Smith

Victor and Palia Young child
19 years old

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