"It's a great opportunity, something I can't pass up."

Vic takes a step back, her eyes filled with a blend of shock and hurt. "But... but you're a part of this, of us," she murmurs, her voice barely audible amidst the thickening tension.

"I know, Vic. And I love being a part of this. You guys mean everything to me," I reply, my heart aching at the pain I've caused.

 "But this... this is something I need to do for myself, for my future."

Damiano finally lifts his gaze, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. Ones I used to be able to read, but not right now.

 "You didn't think this was something worth discussing with us?" His voice is controlled, but I can sense the hurt lacing his words.

"I... I wanted to, but it all happened so fast," I stammer, feeling the weight of guilt settling in. 

"I didn't want to leave you hanging, but this chance... I had to decide quickly." 

Dami's gaze remains fixed on the ground, the tension in the room almost palpable. His silence, a turbulent sea of emotions, seemed to fill the space more than any spoken words could.

Vic, her voice barely a whisper, breaks the heavy silence. "We're your friends, aren't we? Friends talk about big decisions, they don't just leave."

The weight of her words hits hard. It's true; I've always known I can rely on them, yet here I am, standing on the edge of change, feeling like I've let them down.

"I know I should have talked to you," I say, my voice trembling with regret.

 "But this opportunity, it came unexpectedly, and the pressure to decide was immense."

Ethan, usually the one to break the tension, remains solemn, his eyes searching for answers in my faltering words. 

"You could have trusted us. We could have helped you through it."

Their disappointment hangs heavy in the air, each word of reproach carving deeper into my conscience. The guilt weighs me down, the ache of their hurt almost tangible.

"I'm sorry," I murmur, the words barely escaping my lips amidst the knot forming in my throat. "I didn't mean to hurt any of you. I just felt... overwhelmed."

Dami finally lifts his gaze, and the vulnerability in his eyes cracks through my fragile composure.

 "It's not just about the decision, it's about us. It feels like you're slipping away."

His words pierce through me, unraveling the fragile layers of my  trying to be tough appearence.

 I've always felt like an outsider in their world, an appendage to their closeness, and this decision seemed like the final confirmation of that.

"I've always felt like I'm on the sidelines," I continue, my voice trembling with the weight of untold emotions. 

"Like I'm a part of your world, but not entirely. Watching from afar, cheering you on, but never truly in it."

"dalla luna" ▪︎ damiano davidWhere stories live. Discover now