Chapter 1 Sora - The Hokage's Daughter

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Chapter 1

Leaves rustling in the wind as the sun is setting in the sky. No sound is heard except for the birds that just flew away from an unexpected visitor. Piercing blue eyes look out over a bush as the owner of those eyes squints down to stay hidden. 'Come on Sora hide your chakra, you can do it!' The little four-year-old Sora Namikaze thought to herself. Closing her eyes trying to use her senses to see if she can hear or feel any shifting in the air that may help her out.

Unbeknownst to her, the person she was hiding from was right behind her chuckling to himself at how 'cute' he thought she was. Not being able to help himself, Minato Namikaze took out a shuriken and aimed it at the redhead. As she jumped out of her 'hiding' spot, she pulled out a Kunai to defend the Shuriken that was coming her way.

Running to where she saw her attacker out in the open field, Sora charged, Kunai in hand ready to fight. A series of punches and kicks were thrown toward the older man. He, of course, being the great ninja he is, blocked and dodged every attack she attempted.

"Ooof," was the only words Sora could breathe out as she was pinned to the ground face first in the grass as her attacker was sitting on her back. 

"Great work with hiding your chakra Sora, it took me almost all of one minute to not know where you were," Minato stated as he helped his daughter up off the ground. "Yeah! thanks, I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for them birds." Sora said as she and her father sat in the grass catching their breath.

"The most important thing that I want you to remember from today's training is to take your time even when attacked, you lose your focus quickly and you charge head first which can put yourself and others in danger. Don't let your nerves get the best of you." Sora took in her father's words of wisdom as she looked at the sky above turning from orange to red indicating the sun setting and the night about to start.

"Dad, the sun is setting, we're late," Sora said jumping up and collecting her things. "Oh my we are, let's race back before we are in more trouble." Sora paused looking at her father to see if he was joking. Her father was called the 'Yellow Flash,' the fastest ninja in the hidden leader village and he wanted to race against her. "No jutsu right dad?" Sora asked. "I promise." He said as they lined up getting ready to race. " Loser does the dishes," Sora said as her father agreed nodding his head.

As they ran through the forest heading into the village Sora started thinking of how lucky she was. Her parents are two of the most skilled ninjas known to the Hidden Leaf Village. She aspires to be as strong and wise as them when she's older.

Passing through the village, Sora looked in at the hokage statues feeling proud to see her father face up there. Yes, she is the Hokage's daughter but she never let that get to her. She never let the looks she gets when shopping with her mother or the glares she gets when playing at the park with her friends upset her. Sora was just happy that the village had a great person like her father to look after it. She knew her father had lots of responsibilities and he stayed busy so little moments like these when he ignored his hokage duties to train her or just spending time at home makes her happy.

Getting out of her head, Sora started focusing on the race. She was behind her father but she knew if she pushed herself harder she could catch up. When they finally reached the house, of course, her father had wine. Nothing Sora is not used to, she, expected it. She loved that her father didn't let her win just because she was his daughter. She accepts the challenge of one day being able to be faster than him. It gave her a goal and made her stronger.

To say Kushina was mad would be an understatement. She was so furious that Minato had to do the dishes with his daughter because Kushina threw most of the ones they owned at them for coming home late. The fiery redhead mother was upset because her daughter came home again with scratches and bruises from her rough training with her dad. Kushina understands that Minato is just training her but as she always tells her daughter, " I am a mother first then a ninja, I will always worry about you rather you get one small scratch or a hundred."

Sora loved bonding with her parents each in their way. She loved it when her mother did her hair or when she would teach her how to cook. Sora loved learning ninja skills from her father or reading about the history of the shinobi world. She wouldn't want it any other way.

After taking a bath and brushing her teeth, Sora was ready for bed. Her parents tucked her in and told her the story of how they met her favorite bedtime story. As she was closing her eyes Sora was thanking the havens for her family. Unbeknownst to her, this was the last time her family would truly be together. What the future had in store for her was more than being the Hokage's daughter. In the years to come, she would be a big sister, a student of the ninja academy,  a best friend of one of the greatest ninja in the world, a child growing up during the war, a captain, a teacher, a leader, and a lover. Sora will go through many challenges in the future that will make her the most dangerous female Kunoichi coming out of the Village hidden in the leaves. Will her will of fire help to guide her through her journey?

—Author Note—
Hello everyone and welcome to my story. I know a bit short for the first chapter don't worry longer chapters in the future. This is just a bit of information on our main girl Sora. Throughout the story, we will get more backstory of Sora's past.

Next Chapter Itachi- The Uchiha Prodigy

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