Green hills

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After the old woman spoke, everyone except  George became confused. This was because George had experienced the same thing ten years ago and had laughed it off. "If you see your face," said George, "I had the same reaction as you when I first arrived. It's an old memory. So, we are going to rest in the van until morning before moving to a new house. Or, do you prefer to unpack at 2 pm, kids?" said George.

The children seemed satisfied with the suggestion and proceeded towards the vehicle. When they fell asleep, George asked Gabriella, "Where do you live now? My home is not big enough for you to stay with us permanently, as I'm not prepared for it." Gabriella replied, "Can we discuss this later? I'm so tired and can't think straight right now, but I'll answer your question later." George agreed, saying, "You're probably right. We all need to rest now." After that, they headed to the van and everyone fell asleep. in the dark, a strange shadow keeps watching them waiting for something or someone.

When the morning comes, the family is awakened by the sound of a rooster. As they look around, they see the small village with the forest and flowers in the background. The village consists of only the necessary establishments such as a bakery, a store, a post office, a church, a school, a library (which Nathanael plans to visit later), some houses, farms, healthcare, and a cemetery. there are not as many people as in his old town but it delivers what he doesn't have there, calm and serenity 

"so our house is not very far here, just a hundred meters just rearrange inside to let us transport it quickly when we arrive home kids," said George, and the kids nodded as the van went Nathan saw an old man that has a trait that have many similarities to Gary in his old town but he said that all old person must have that and after some minutes they finally arrived in their new house " see you can easily walk here to the village," said George,  but it's The house that captivate child it is made of rock, the roof is made of red tiles, and the door and shutters are painted green and made of wood the is fireplace too 

"Now let's transport all of this inside," said  Judy

when they first pass the door they see an old sofa in front of the fireplace and next to it the kitchen room, the bathroom, and a staircase leading them to the first floor there are three doors, the room that has a view of the forest is for Nathanael, it consists only a wooden floor a bed and beige walls, after putting all his stuff in his room, he and Andy tell their parents if they can play catch, Judy said them to drink and eat a snack before playing.

"so now we don't have a fence here let's just say the tree here is the catch," says Andy 

"paper scissor rock to decide how is the catcher," said Nathanael confident as always in his skill 

Andy thinks of all the possibilities that Nathanael has to catch him and for Nathanael, he measures the distance between him and Andy in eyes makes a quick reflection, and decides to go down like drifting in the grass and run as quickly as possible thinking that is the only thing Andy may not preview when the game start Andy said in his mind " it's always when he is near to me that he makes things unpredictable I need to figure out quickly what he may think even if it's absurd and adopt a posture that makes him move whenever Nathanael do", Nathanael sees that when he is near him he make a false movement to persuade Andy that he will jump on him to destabilize him and when andy is ready to jump he made his position lower and drift in the grass it was too late for Andy to not jump, Nathanael smile to him that his reflection worked and on another side " Damm you Nathanael! "  "Hihi, don't curse genius" After he passes to him he makes a quick jump to not fall and runs in the direction of the tree but when he almost touches it he sees Andy falling on the ground hand on his stomach

"arghh , Nath help me my stomach hurts me ! " said Andy

It is a trap or reality? ,  Nathanael can't figure it out but when he makes the sign that only he knows that he didn't trap him he runs to him "What do you have Andy, are you ok? "

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