Part III

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Hey everyone!

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I've been pretty busy and also tired (like always lol).
I've also just published my second novel on kindle unlimited, so it's free to read if you have that. I'll add the link here:

I know some of you have already checked out my self published books and I appreciate the support! If you do read I'd also really appreciate if you could rate them when you've finished. It helps out a lot!

Anyway enough about me, please let me know if you enjoy this chapter and if there's anyone still reading choni now that the show is over (I'm still sad about it).

Happy reading!
Nat x

Cheryl managed to avoid Toni for the most part over the next two months, even as Red they'd barely spoken. Her school life was as normal as always, at least until Veronica found her at her locker.

"Cheryl, have you heard?"

"Heard what?" she asked, still looking at herself in the mirror stuck to the inside of her locker door.

"Southside High has been condemned," Veronica whispered. "It's closing down."

The redheads mind moved to Toni, but her face remained unbothered. "Okay..."

"Some of the students are coming here... to Riverdale High."

"What!" Cheryl whipped around, her full attention now on her fellow vixen.

"I know, I was surprised too. Betty, she's gonna be really upset. If Jughead comes back, he may come with the girl he's seeing."

"Toni?" The name rolling off of her tongue felt weird since it'd been a while since she said it. "Is she coming here?"

"I have no idea-"

Just as Cheryl was about to speak the students in the hallway quietened, their excited chatting now shocked whispers as a group of southside serpents made their way through their new classmates. Front and center was of course Toni Topaz alongside Jughead and her two friends who the redhead knew as Sweet Pea and Fangs.

Their eyes met for no longer than a millisecond before Toni looked forward again. No smile or even warmth to her features, but she looked so confident it made Cheryl's stomach flip.

"What are we going to do?" Veronica asked pulling Cheryl from her thoughts.

"About what?"


"I suppose we should find her. It's better she hears it from us."

"Are you..."

"Am I what?" Cheryl looked at her friend, hoping she wasn't going to say what she thinks she's going to say.

"Are you going to say hi to Toni. I thought the two of you were friendly a couple of months ago."

"Hardly." She rolled her eyes, but swallowed the lump in her throat. "She defended me in a time of need, but we're not friends."

"Right." Veronica nodded. "Let's go find Betty."

By the time the girls made it to the student lounge it was already too late. Jughead sat with his arm draped around Toni while Betty looked on from her seat next to Archie.

Cheryl's feelings towards Toni should have disappeared by now. Her little crush was supposed to be long gone, however as she looked at Jughead with his arm wrapped around the other girl, she couldn't help but feel envious.

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