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I opened the door to the interrogation room, calmly closing it behind me. I walked over and pulled the chair back from the table and set it against the wall with the two way mirror. I sat down on the chair. I stared at the unsub sitting across from me. He had this smirk on his face like he was enjoying my staring.

Time continued to pass as I pulled out a book and began to read.

"Do you enjoy your reading?" He asked casually 

I answered with a nonchalant tone. "I quite do. It gives me an escape from reality. A chance to pretend that my reality is not real, even if only for a few minutes."

He hummed in thought. "Tell me, what you are reading over there?" He questioned demandingly.

I closed the book and looked up at him, simply staring for a few minutes. "I will if you tell me where the other girls are."

He suddenly became angry and quickly came around the table to choke me. I stood to my feet staring him down. He froze as he looked into eyes. "Sit. Down." I compelled him, speaking firmly.

He fought at first standing still with a murderous look in his eyes but, I refused to back down. He gave in, taking his previous seat. Killers are difficult but not impossible to compel. They just take a few extra seconds and a little more force than someone with a fully intact soul. Killers are half attached to hell.

Breathing deeply he looked at me again. "What are you reading?" He was again calm.

So the game continues. "Where are the girls?" I was again nonchalant and went back to reading my book which had no cover. This was my favorite way to interrogate someone. Those who cracked easily were boring but the ones who took time were fun to play with. I enjoyed watching as they tried their best not to crack under the pressure.


Johnathan's point of view

I watched as Allie took her time skillfully extracting the needed information from Gary.

"We don't have time for this those girls are dying as we speak." Reid complained.

"We go through this almost every time with her. why can't she find a new way?" Morgan questioned.

"Come on, you know she is effective even if she takes her time. She did say all she needs is an hour and besides don't you want to know why he stopped mid attack?" Rossi questioned.

"Yes I do but the girl is more important than my own curiosity right now." Morgan stated

"Patience guys she is a natural just look at her." I stated with a smile motioning with my hand towards the interrogation room. Them wondering what she did to make this Gary guy stop mid attack and sit down was not good. She better have a good excuse for that compulsion. These guy are rather smart and having them find out what we are is not good.

I was pulled from my train of thought when I saw Allie nearly lose it. "Fuck, not good." I quickly rushed into the interrogation room. Her back was turned to the others but Gary could see her vampire face. She was about two seconds from ripping his heart out. I could see it. I moved quickly and with purpose.

I was by her side instantly. "Compel him to tell you Allie." I whispered it so lowly only her and I could hear it. She took a deep breath and sat down calmly, looking up at me she silently asked if i would help her. I nodded, moving around the table to stand behind the disgrace for a man I gripped his shoulders firmly and leaned down enough so my mouth was level with his ear.

"where are they Gary? Tell and maybe I will stop her from ripping you apart limb from limb. From pulling your heart out through your throat." My style was intimidation and though I was well aware it wouldn't work with Gary, I had to get him to focus on Allie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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