| Chapter 5 |

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Maybe the men had thought women were weaklings or small-brained mammals. Of course, due to their long lifetime experiences with their wives or rather sister-in-laws, they'd thought all women possessed same attributes. For one, both wives were subjected to isolation and depression from their husbands. It was, out of desperation, that both sisters publicly pronunciated that they had lived and dined and endured with ungrateful, power-driven and condescending men but as expected, ruler of the state level had come out publicly, also, to debunk his wife's so-called words of suppressed depression . I had almost believed him because, I was young and dumb then, he was an atheist. You could say I was judgmental, I was if I wanted to be sincere, but it could also be regarded as being in solidarity with a fellow man.

But as opposed to state governor, federal governor had a different plan in mind. Instead of speaking on a lectern infront of over a hundred of people and audience at home all over the world with a basic Tee and loose jean, he decided to write. He chose libel over scandal. I didn't totally disregard his side of the story. I had just gotten off my comfort zone and submitted my libel against both men and their wives. That, my sudden interference with the governors and their family lives, had cued its way to put me on front pages, top stories and controversies especially when it came to politics or family matters.

I was happy, no doubt but now, now, that the same people I was petitioning against controlling the development and growth of my country,  were whom i was  given a platter of gold opportunity to meet. Although, they portrayed so much mutual friendliness among themselves, and unlike the way the media had made it seem, they were not sworn enemies, rather, they made a good team and had chemistry.

The other men in the room had all left when Federal governor asked for a private meeting with Harvey, state governor and I. And as the last man was about stepping out, Hulvey's alleged rival held him by his coat.

"You'd need to lodge at the quaters. There'll be a meeting with all staff concerning the casualties and maybe, a few adjustments would be made,"He said, straightening the rumpled area of his shirt.

The man was about leaving when he held him back again by saying, "Excellent job you've done. And by the way, nice shirt." He winked at him and gave him a nasty stare. The poor scientist whom had just received a compliment from a top government official simply bowed and mouthed a thanks and then, walked off.

The air after was filled with deceit and manipulation. Mr. Federal government remained quiet, eyes slowly closing and knees weakening. All of a sudden, a beep blared in the room jerking hum out of his deep thoughts. He walked further into the room and settled into a brown chair and twirled himself in it. He stopped at some point, took a pen from his jacket's pocket and scribbled in his palm. Once he hung up, Hulvey was first to speak.

"Is all well 'cause you have that same face you had when Alexis got full custody of your six daughters?"

"Don't you dare speak of my family matters in such environment. Common, Hulvey, I had thought you were much wiser." He scoffed and stood up.

"Is it the same good-for-nothing family that swam in the goodness of charity funds or the one that created a make-belief that divorce was a form of achievement?" I wasn't influenced by the alcohol Harry had offered me, but it was the disgust I felt from the words he voiced out and his arrogance in the way the words flew out.

Both men pierced my whole body with wide white eyes and Harvey landed a flat slap on my face. I bit my lower lip and felt myself become pink. I was at the verge of releasing tears but I held it back. I wasn't ready to show off my weakness to two of the top government leaders in the world. And so, I swallowed the saliva, eased my breathing and threw my pink weary face out the window and masked in a hard face.

"I'm not Alexis. Hulvey, tell him. Arent't I the co-operative one? I wouldn't bow down to your acts of violence," I barked literally.

At this point, Harvey had already left the room in anger. Perhaps, because I was speaking rudely to his superior or he was just one of the brain-washed pawns of Alexis' husband. I kept rambling on and on about Hulvey's bad-mouthing and back-stabbing to his rival who did the exact thing. They knew what they were doing, after all, they were smart, dubious and malicious men in politics. Hulvey was about responding to another if my backlash which was at that time meant for his rival, the door banged open revealing a number of scientists in hairnets, gloves and all had their hands in their pockets. Yet, I gave it no much thoughts.

"You know what, you might just be useful to us. But for now, you need a lot of rest. You know, for the stress you've been through already plus your brain needs to rest from the trauma it had been through after I killed your mom." Without looking up to the speaker, I invariably knew it was Hulvey. After so many years of understudying past and recent leaders, Hulvey, by me, was awarded the most hostile and brutal ruler of all times. He never even made any efforts to deny my conclusions, rather, he proved them continuously.

All of a sudden, the scientists marched towards me while Harvey stood in my front holding a twine. He twirled it around his wrist and when only a few inches was left, he flung it in the air and slammed it across my neck. He did that over and over again, just as my cries rang in the room. I felt blood trick down my shirt. The wound in which the blood poured from was peeled deeper by Harvey whose anger heightened as he continuously lashed the twine against my skin. I groaned in pain. I cried aloud. My lips shivered vulnerably. I felt weaker at each lash. I felt my eyes close as the twine landed once again on my face. There was a sharp pain on my eye and I saw deep red blood flow from my right eye down to my quivering lips. Harvey was about giving another lash when Mr. Federal Governor held his wrist.

"It's okay now, isn't it? I'm sure she's learned her lesson. She wouldn't breath when she sees me again, I bet it." He pulled him to his side.

"She's a woman remember. Just a little lash and it's enough. You need to pull yourself together, lil Harv,"Hulvey added, giggling coldly.

I felt my heart shatter. They had all seen my weakness and I had surrendered to their violence. At those thoughts, fresh tears fell and mixed with the blood.

"Take her away. Somewhere far away from life and remember, she's a guest, treat her right," Hulvey said. He pecked my bloody left eye and licked his lips with a smile. And as they took me from the room, I lost my consciousness but I retained their actions and I was ready to avenge them.

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