He must be culture shocked.

"It's called a cellphone." Tae explained while Jungkook was busy inspecting it.


Tae nodded. "You use it to send messages to your loved ones, and also take photos."

Jungkook looked at him in confusion. "Photos?" He asked.

"Isn't this a daguerreotype?"

And this time, it was Tae's brows who furrowed. "A what?"

"A daguerreotype. It's also used to take photos. But its not like this, this is too small and...way too advance."

Tae's mouth flung open, he learned something new today. "Where did you get this?"

Tae doesn't know how to answer that. How is he gonna explain?

Tae immediately grabbed his phone and put it back in his pocket.

"What's our next ride?" He changed the topic. He's not good at words and Jungkook might misinterpret him if he ever try to make excuses.

And atleast, he didn't ask anymore.

They dragged each other on places. Left, right, north, south Jungkook is starting to be a bit loose and bubbly.

They rode all the rides they wanted to, and because of that tiredness, they got hungry.

"I'm hungry, let's eat first!" Tae said and Jungkook agreed.

They ate at a random eatery. The food looks nice and there are lots of people so they're supposing that the food tastes good.

They ordered their foods and Tae was gonna pay but Jungkook insisted.

"You paid for my clothes awhile ago, let me pay
this time."

While eating, Tae suddenly got curious. "Captain," he called.

"Hm?" Jungkook hummed, chewing the food in his mouth.

"Were you jealous?" Jungkook suddenly paused, he shot his head up to look at Tae.

He raised his brows, trying to ask what he just said.

"Awhile ago. Were you jealous because Bogum asked me to go out with them?"

Jungkook drank water to push down the food. "Why would I be jealous?"

Its just a simple question, but Tae doesn't know how to answer. "U-uhm..."

"He's just your friend, right?"

Tae's mouth flung open. With that question, he decided to do something.

Tae bit his lip and smiled. "Well yes! He's my
friend but..." Hearing the 'but' in the end made Jungkook raise his brows. "He's really handsome. He looks approachable and cute!

His eyes shine when he smile and have you seen his gummy smile? It's really charming!"

Tae stopped talking when he noticed Jungkook harshly chopping the meat off.

He giggled, "Are you okay? What has the meat done to you?"

"Nothing, it's just really hard to chop off."

But the funny thing is, the meat isn't hard at all.

Tae just laughed to himself and continued to eat his meal.

Once they're done, they just took a little rest and started wandering and riding rides again.

But this time, it's Jungkook's turn to choose rides.

"I wan't to try that one." Jungkook pointed up right on the ferris wheel.

Tae gulped at the sight. "O-Oh, that." He's cursing himself for stuttering.

"Okay, let's go!" He said and they immediately went towards it to fall in line.

While on the line, Tae was quiet & Jungkook could sense that there's something odd."Are you okay?" He asked, and Tae scratched his head. "W-Well, I'm kinda nervous since it's high. You know...I'm afraid of heights."

"Okay then, let's just ride another-"

"No! It's okay. I wanted to try this too. It's just that I'm nervous."

He was surprised when Jungkook held his cold and sweaty hands.

"Look at me, just me."

At those words, Tae doesn't know what to feel anymore. His feelings we're a mess and Jungkook was making it harder.

They're finally cupped in the seats of the ferris wheel.

But it was a lot different since the modern ferris wheel was closed and caged, this one is all open and it's just the seats & safety rails.

The ferris wheel started to spin and Tae flinched at the sudden movement.

"Oh god, that's so high." Tae was shaking but not that bad.

"Didn't I told you look just at me?" Jungkook said and Tae's heart was wilding again.

"Nothing bad will happen, and I won't let it happen. Just take a close your eyes, take a deep breathe and you'll see."

Tae bit his lip. He'll lose nothing if he'll try right?

He closed his eyes, took a deep breathe and tried to relax. The ferris wheel was moving not so fast but also not so slow, and it's helping Tae relax.

He slowly opened his eyes and was never been amazed of what he saw.

Right before his eyes, was the breathtaking view of their province.

There are no tall buildings, no wide constructed roads, no cars and horns, no smoke and pollution just the people peacefully having fun, natural lights and nature was clearly seen.

Tae felt so sad.

If only the future saw this, if only the future realized how beautiful this is, if only the future took care of nature...

Then he wouldn't have been regretting not participating in nature related activities.

He wouldn't have been this sad and feeling sorry for the nature.

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