"You know, we can stay in today. We don't have to go to watch the task. I can hold you and make sure you're feeling better," he said.

"No, it's okay. I'll be fine. I need to be there for support," I said, sipping some pumpkin juice.

After I ate, Draco let me get ready, and we started to head to the field.

As we walked by, I saw Harry, and I quickly ran to give him a hug. "Good luck, Harry," I whispered. "Please be safe," I continued.

"Thanks, Emilia," he said, walking to the middle of the field while I made my way back to Draco.

"That was a little too close to my liking," he spat.

"You'll get over it," I said, passing by him.

We headed to the stands and waited until the cannon went off.

The task finally started, and all the champions ran into the maze. The air in the stands thickened with tension as the audience collectively held its breath. My heart raced with each passing minute, and my eyes darted between the towering hedges, trying to catch a hint of movement.

"Draco, what's taking them so long?" I said, holding onto his hand.

"It's okay, Emmy. He'll be okay," he reassured.

"Draco, I'm not feeling so good," I said, holding my stomach.

"I knew we should've stayed back, Emmy. It's okay; let's just get you down and find a bathroom," he said as he guided me down.

As we reached the bottom, Harry emerged from the maze, clutching the Triwizard Cup. My heart sank as soon as I saw who was with him.

It was Cedric.

He was dead.

I quickly ran to Harry as they took Cedric's body. Draco called after me, but I did not care.

Once I reached him, Harry was crying. "He's back, Emilia!" he cried as I hugged him.

I looked back at him, and all of a sudden, I could see everything that happened. When Harry and Cedric touched the portkey, to Pettigrew murdering him, and when Voldemort emerged from the cauldron.

And then, everything went dark

Draco's POV:

I kept calling after Emilia as she ran to Harry. I swear I don't know why she's friends with him. I followed behind, realizing that Cedric's body was lying next to him while Harry cried to Emilia, saying you-know-who is back.


After, Emilia started screaming, and so did Harry. She fell, but I was able to catch her, but she wouldn't stop screaming.

"No, please don't, I beg you!" she said, then after that, she passed out in my arms.

"Emmy! Emmy, wake up!" I said, shaking her.

I looked over, and everyone is helping Potter, and no one is helping my Emmy.

"Snape! Please! Help her!" I yelled over. Snape ran over and picked her up.

"The hospital wing," he stated as I followed behind, Theo and Pansy following as well.

Once we get there, Madam Pomfrey started kicking us out, saying Emilia needed to be seen alone and only Snape can stay.

"Bullshit!" Theo says. "I am her brother. I should be able to be with her, not him!" He continued.

"Mister Nott! Having Professor Snape here is very important! So I recommend you and your friends wait outside or else I will make sure Professor Snape gives you detention!" She said, causing all of us to exit.

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