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December 31st

The best thing about music is when it's loud enough the base rumbles up into your chest, like it's reaching through your rib cage and sending tremors to your heart. And I get to pick the perfect songs for that very feeling.

I sit cross legged on the kitchen island; phone hooked up to the many speakers placed around the house, loud music blaring from them. Drunks and sobers party amongst each other, and I won't lie I'm happy for my safe island I'm on, rather than be lost in the sea of people. I've got my music and my Kombucha.

I've got HUMBLE. thumping through the apartment, and I let the rumble hit me as a sit here, queuing up songs to go on next. From up here I can't see a single piece of floor, the wood covered by socked feet or discarded solo cups. The usually white walls purple as the LED lights cast their colours along it, twisting and turning in a pattern on the ceiling.

I flick my eyes over all the red solo cups littering the furniture and countertops. My hair tickles my cheeks as an icy breeze hits my face. Someone's got the window cracked open. I hop off the island, shouldering through the crowd and moving to the window. I slam it shut and run my hands over my biceps as I squeeze through the crowd, back to my phone.

I haul myself back up onto the island and snatch up my drink, touching the can to my lips. "Ew, Kombucha." The voice startles me, and I set the can down. I turn to a brown-haired boy leaning on his forearms against the table, his usually blue eyes purple looking in the lights. "Why would you ever do that to yourself?"

I grin, "what are you doing here?"

He shrugs, "your friends invited me."

My smile widens, of course Theo invited Chris. Him and Laurie are both drunk on the couch, laughing over nothing. Theo probably anticipated this and felt bad about leaving me alone. "Well, that was very nice of them." He smiles at me, and I smile back, "how are you?"

"I'm good, how was your Christmas?" He asks, tipping his Pepsi can back.

"Good. My dad makes this awesome French toast every year," I blab. "You'd probably love it."

He smiles softly at me, and my stomach does a front flip, "I'm sure."

I twist my fingers and look away. My eyes land on the clock on the microwave, "twenty minutes to midnight."

"Any New Year's resolutions?" He asks.

I shrug, "probably do better on the ice."

"You're already really good," he tells me.

I sigh, "I can always improve." I stare at my socks, swinging them back and forth. "Um, what about you?"

He thinks for a moment, "I have no idea."

"Drink more water?" I suggest and he shoots me a glare.

He waves a hand, "sure, that can be my resolution." I tip my can back, "I can't believe you actually like Kombucha."

"It's not that bad," I my arms and he at me, crinkling his nose. "Try it," I hold out the can. He takes it with a scowl and tips it back gingerly. He shakes his head quickly, scrunching his face up. I take the can from his outstretched hand, laughing. "You're so dramatic."

"Shut up," he grumbles, swallowing his Pepsi down. My cheeks hurt from how hard I'm smiling. Chris flicks his eyes back up, and I peer at him. "You have dimples when you laugh," he blurts.

My cheeks warm, "oh, thank you?"

He looks away, "yeah."

I curl my fingers over the edge of the countertop, "your eyes look purple."

"Hm," he turns back to me.

"Your eyes," I point at his face. "Usually they're blue, but because of the lights. Purple." He smiles and I chew on my bottom lip. There's a beat, and then another. family ties out of the speakers and the contents of the party screams out the trumpets. "Any song requests?"

"You've got it under control."

I tip my head back, pointing my nose to the ceiling. I flick my eyes back to Chris's face, "are you a good dancer?"

He shrugs, "I'm confident."

I hop off the island, holding out my hand. "Let's test that theory."

Ty for reading this chapter my loves!!

Bro I j ordered that one shirt that Nick has that's like and there it goes my last flying fuck

Some teacher got pressed at me for wearing it 💀💀


get some food and some water, I love you all!



Kombucha and Pepsi  (Chris Sturniolo)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें