
167 2 0

December 13th

I've nailed down a triple lutz like it's nothing now. I don't think easy is the right word, but it's gotten simple, and I only fall when I underestimate how difficult it really is. But I'm happy I've gotten perfect at it because this could be the trick that takes me to the Olympics. I'm trying to make it a quadruple lutz, but at this point I swear my tailbone is a deep purple by how many times I've spun out and eaten it, so I'm not sure how successful I'll be in achieving that.

I finish winding my hair into a braid and flick it over my shoulder, so it rests down my back. I push out of my car and wipe out the creases in my top. I'm not too annoyed I'm working on a Saturday night, only because I get to work with my favourite coworker today. Theo gets me through everything and is the funniest person I know hands down. We haven't worked together since I got back from my comp, and I can't wait to his his face.

Theo's talking my ear off in fifteen minutes, like he always does. He's showing me the pictures his girlfriend sent him of her fresh set of nails, getting my opinion on what he should say. He does this a lot when he doesn't understand what to say or how to say it properly, having me write it out for him. I take his phone and fix up his answer, my own nails clacking against the screen. I hand it back and he sends it.

He pockets his phone just as a group walks in. I watch his face change from normal Theo to Customer Service Theo. "Hi there, how are you today?" He asks with a smile.

"Good thanks," the woman replies, "um, table for five please."

Theo checks the little sheet we have that shows our open and occupied tables, he grabs a stack of menus and a couple kid menus and flashes the family a smile. "Alright, follow me." He leads them away, leaving me alone.

I fix the stack of menus and scroll through the tablet we have at our host table. I can hear the door pop open, and I scribble something out on a sheet of paper for when Theo gets back to remind him to log the family into our sheet. I look up just as a group of four walk in, chatting loudly. I look over my shoulder, trying to find Theo. I glower at the back of his head as he charms the family with his small talk skills.

I plaster on a smile and turn back to the group, "good evening," I say, keeping my eyes on the screen in front of me. "Table for four?" I assume. When I don't get a response, I flick my eyes up and stare at the boy who is at the front of the group. "Oh, hi."

Chris's eyebrows are practically in his hairline, ", yeah table for four."

I pile four menus into my arms just as Theo gets back, I smile at him and then turn to Chris, "follow me."

As I walk, Chris matches my pace. "So, uh, how are you?"

I shrug, "I'm alright, how about you?"

"Better now," he says, and I smile. "D'you live here?"

"Near here, you?" I tilt my head and place the menus on the table.

"Same as you," he slips into the booth.

I smile, "I guess it's fait then." I say, moving aside so the rest of the group can clamour into the booth. There's the three boys and a brunette girl, maybe a sister or cousin? I'm not sure and I'm most definitely not asking. "A waiter will be with you soon," I smile at them and turn away.

I scrub a hand down my face as I return to Theo's side. He's not-so-discretely texting with Laurie, grinning at her incoming messages. He turns to me, setting his phone down. "That guy you were seating was cute," he winks at me.

I roll my eyes, "I guess."

"I know when you're downplaying things," he says simply. "You should grab his name."

"It's Chris." I tell him, marking their table off, not looking at Theo.

"Oh?" He says, voice raised an octave.

I smile to myself, "he was at my November comp."

"I see," he nods. "So, you're friends?"

I shrug, "kinda."

He cracks his knuckles, sighing, "how was your comp?"

"Well, I won, so..." I shrug. "Good, I guess."

He shakes his head, grinning. "You really don't spare any details."

I scowl, "do you want me to tell you the exact time I took a shit, or something?"

He nudges me with his hip, laughing. His phone buzzes and he lights up instantly. "Where should we go out on Friday?" He asks, holding up his phone.

I tap my finger to my chin, "well, Laurie likes nights in, right?" He nods, and I shrug, "I dunno, what if you did take out and binged the Harry Potter movies? That is her favourite series, yeah?"

He taps away, knocking me with his shoulder. "Thanks Vee, I would be dead without you."

"I feel like dead is a stretch. Single probably, but not dead," I say.

"Harsh," he rolls his eyes.

I shrug at him, "but fair."

He squints at me, "hmm, you know, speaking of single," he waves his hand at me and I raise an eyebrow. "It is something you should no longer be."

"Thanks?" I tilt my head.

He smiles, "mhm, you know, a good way to start is by getting his number." He points across the restaurant.

I widen my eyes, "huh?"

"Don't worry, I'll help you out." He gives me a sickly-sweet smile.

"Theo?" I ask, worried. He starts to walk away, and I reach out to grab him, my fingers grazing his shirt. "Theo!" I hiss, watching as he walks to the table in horror. He leans against the table, talking with a smile. He points his thumb at me, and I immediately look away, hiding my face. Thank fuck a family walks in and I smile at them, we chat, and I lead them to a free table, out of sight.

When I return, Theo's standing with his arms crossed. I glower at him, and he rolls his eyes, "don't look at me like that." My frown deepens and he holds out a napkin, a phone number scribbled out in shitty handwriting lays upon it. I stare at him, snatching it out of his hands. He rolls his eyes, "mhmm. You're welcome." 

And so we've made progress 😝🤝😻

Ty for readinguh

Get some food and some water 

Love y'all


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