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December 24th

It's freezing cold out, colder than it was yesterday. At least it was just windy yesterday, today it's windy and snowing. It's been productive today, though. I've got my insulin, I bought a Kombucha too, we're set. I sit in the tent, lacing up my skates, sipping at my drink.

Coach appears next to me, looking out at the group of kids collecting by the edge of the ice. "Where's Chris?" He asks, following the Zamboni with his eyes.

I shrug, "probably just running late."

"Well, he better get here quick, we're running out of time." Coach huffs. "Would you just call him?"

I tie my laces into a bow, "um, sure." I pull my phone out of my bag, clicking on his contact. I hit call and set it on speaker, next to me on the bench.

It rings twice before it connects, "sorry! Sorry, I'm coming now, it took a minute to wake Matt up." He says hastily.

"All good," I say, tying up my other skate. "See you soon."

"Yup," he replies before he hangs up.

I give Coach a look, "looks like he's running late." He shoots me a dirty look and I flash him a smile.

Sure enough, five minutes later when I glance over at the tent from the ice, Chris is hastily tying his skates, hat lopsided on his head and the right side of his collar flipped up. I smile at my skates and turn back to the two little girls asking for a candy cane. He's beside me when they skate off, twisting his hands with a frown.

"Sorry," he sighs.

I shrug, keeping my attention on the boy holding his hands out, expecting candy. "It's all good," I hand the boy a candy cane, smiling at him. I turn to Chris, reaching out and folding his collar down. He doesn't move, he just watches me through his thick eyelashes. "You're here now, aren't you?" I fix up his hat before letting my arms drop to my side. He doesn't say anything, he just nods. I smile at him, and he returns it. I skate backwards a little, giving him one last look before turning my attention to a group of kids.

When all the kids hop off the ice, Jen's spinning in circles on her blade, showing off a little trick for the kids and parents. I watch her with a crease between my eyebrows, my bottom lip caught between my teeth. She grins at the kids who watch her with big eyes.

Chris stands beside me, arms crossed over his chest. "You should go do something," he suggests.

"What?" I blink.

"What was that trick you did in November?" He asks.

"A triple lutz?" I reply.

"Yeah, go do that."

I stare at him, "you're funny."

"I'm being serious," he says flatly.

I shake my head, "I'm not doing anything. I'll let Jen do her thing," I gesture to the blonde.

"Are you scared?" He taunts.

"Of embarrassing myself? Yes." I nod.

He rolls his eyes, "boooo."

"What? Hey, don't boo me." I snap.

"Booo," he cups his hands around his mouth. "B—"

"Oh my god, fine!" I huff, stretching my arms over my head. I've been skating around for a few hours now; I assume I'm all warmed up. It should be fine. I glide forwards slightly, "Jen," I say. When she turns to me, I wave to motion to her to get to the side. She does so and I exhale. Moira and Ezra were coming by today to pick me up. They were being dropped off by mom so I could take them to get hot chocolate and were definitely somewhere in this crowd. I exhale and the ringing starts. Like a snap of fingers, it's gone. The noise, the environment, the eyes, all gone. Until it's just me.

I'm not sure I even have enough room, but I've already committed. I glide backwards, launching myself up into the air. I cross my arms into an x, and spin, I swing my leg around and fly back into the air. I land and my leg comes around, I plant it behind me and come to a slow stop.

There's a negativity that screams at me, telling me there were things I could have done better, telling me I'm embarrassing for even attempting to do this. There were so many things you should have done. Such an idiot, you should feel embarrassed. It's like you've never skated before, these people don't care. You should just—

"Well, that was cool as fuck," Chris says, cutting through the negativity.

My cheeks warm despite the biting cold, "thank you." I glance over at the kids who stare at me like I'm more then I am. Their parents stare too.

Ezra's face catches my attention, slipping and sliding with his boots on the ice. I hold his arms to steady him, "that was so awesome." He says quietly once he's close.

I give him a smile, "thanks Ezie."

He smiles before turning back to look at Moira his shoulder, she's tapping the toe of her shoe against the concrete, swiping on her phone. "Ready to go?" He nods, glancing at Chris. I smile, "alright we'll go as soon as I'm finished."

Moira and Ezra wait patiently for the line to clear and for Coach to let us off the ice. Once he shoes up away, I change out of my skates and pull on my coat. It reaches over my skirt, so only my candy cane leggings stick out. I step into my Uggs and smile at the pair that stand beside me, waiting impatiently.

I turn to Chris who's tying up his sneakers beside me, "thanks for coming to do this."

He glances up, "oh, yeah for sure."

Ezra pulls on my wrist, "okay, okay." I give Chris a smile, "Merry Christmas."

"You too," he smiles up at me.

Ezra taps his foot and I roll my eyes, "alright, let's go." 

Ty for reading this chapter my pookies I hope you enjoyed 

Eat some food, drink some water

Take care of yourselves, I LOVE YOU


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