"I wasn't feeling well but now I'm fine"

Y/n smiles at the bluenette nodding at her words.

"You also know Rin already Teruhashi?"

"Yes of course! She's an amazing student body president"


Kokomi fumes on the inside while have a big smile on the outside. Chiyo yelped when she saw Shun with the rest of the group entering the classroom.

"I forgot to tell you girls!"

Chiyo grabbed both of the girl's arm to find somewhere to huddle around in the classroom.

"I'm planning to ask Kaidou as my date"

Y/n and Kokomi's eyes widened in surprised before cheering for their friend.

"Good Luck Chiyo!"

"This is such a big step!"

"I know! but I got to. This is the perfect opportunity!"

The three girls squeal at this plan fangirling over it.

"Also I think the three of us plus Rin should hang to talk about the Festival"

Y/n eyes sparkle at this suggestion while Kokomi was a bit taken back at this and not wanting to see the black haired any time soon.

Meanwhile with the boys who saw the girls huddled around somewhere. They all tilt there head confused. Kusuo shrugged going to his seat knowing what the girls were talking about.

"What are they talking about?"

"Not sure but I have finally heard of the Dark Reunion! I need to go and save a town when the Christmas Festival Comes!"

Aren rolls his eyes then speaking.

"You're going whether you like It or not Shun."


"Yes yes Dark reunion bad people let another superhero save them."

Shun pouts at Aren's words looking away. While Nendou looks at his pal.

"Are you gonna go with someone like a date Pal?"

'He had to ask that. Good grief.'

'I don't know'

'That'll make him stop asking'

"Ohh you don't know so you do have someone in plan Pal?"

Kusuo facepalmed at this before laying his head on his desk.

'I'll just pretend I didn't hear.'


The pink haired psychic moves a bit to glance at Y/n who was smiling with the two girls.

Fell First & Fell Harder~{Saiki Kusuo X Fem Y/n☆}Where stories live. Discover now