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His face is turning blue from lack of oxygen, and his hands are clawing at his throat as he desperately gasps for breath.

I didn't know Kylan's powers could go as far as closing someone's throat. Maybe I underestimated him— maybe we all did.

The agents finally figure out what's going on, and hit Kylan so hard that he blacks out.

Lombardi gasps in a large chunk of air, finally able to breathe. He puts a hand to his chest as he pants, and looks horrifyingly angry.

"Bring them back to their holdings." He growls to the agents. "I will be testing on Kylan later today. Clearly I did not know the extent of his power."

I blink rapidly, trying to clear my blurred vision as I'm hurried through the red-carpeted halls down to my holding, as Lombardi calls it.

I finally see the names on the doors: Chase Andrews and Summer Swift. Are those other specials (as Lombardi calls us)? He said there were others he was doing testing on, so who else besides just Leila?

The agents open up the door to my holding, and undo the handcuffs before pushing me inside.

Well I didn't expect this.


She must've made a hole big enough in the wall to climb through. Now she's in my room, ready to pounce.

And pounce she does.

She punches one guard so hard across the face that I'm pretty sure she snapped his neck and killed him.

The other agent attempts to grab the small sixteen-year-old, but she grabs his hand and twists it so far I hear the snap. I cringe and step back.

She slams the agents head into the wall, sending him unconscious, and leaving a blood splatter on the wall and on our faces.

She literally made his head explode with one effortless hand. Scary... but amazing.

"You ready to get the fuck out of here?" Leila smiles at me.

I nod eagerly. "Quick— we have to get to Kylan's cell!"

I pull Leila from the room to see more agents closing the door to Kylan's holding. I use my speed to stop him, and shove him to the ground.

Once Leila catches up, she jumps on top of him and punches him in the face, rendering him unconscious.

I pull Kylan's door open as quick as I can, and see him lying on the bed, still passed out.

"Kylan!" I shout, running up to him. I grab his shoulders, shaking gently. "Ky, wake up! Please, wake up! We have to get out of here."

He blinks, slowly, groaning as he wakes up. He's probably in pain from when they hit him across the head. And they did the same to me— adrenaline is the only reason I'm still standing.

"We're getting out of here." I force a smile as Kylan sits up.

His eyes find mine, and then he turns to Leila, who's leaning against the doorway. "Who are you?"

"We'll get to that later," I quickly say. "Can you walk?"

He stands up, nearly falling over. I help him regain his balance and put his arm over my shoulder.

"Let's go," Leila says impatiently.

"Where, exactly, is the exit?" I ask, helping Kylan out of his holding.

"I don't have a clue," Leila admits with a casual shrug. "Come this way."

Leila leads us down a hall the opposite direction from Lombardi's throne. The hall looks like it could stretch on forever.

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