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"I hate it."

Kylan smiles. "I think it's hot."

"I don't even recognize myself!" I play with my blond hair in the mirror. "This is not me!"

"Perfect! So no one will recognize you. No one will find you and turn you in," Kylan insists. "That's what we want."

"So I have to be blonde forever?"

Kai laughs. "I like to live in the present. Cross those bridges when I get to 'em."

I groan. "This better work."

— —

"Swing right, kick left." Kylan demonstrates the moves for me.

"I'm not that talented." I swing my arm out, and Kylan stops it before it's even close to hitting him.

"I saw you take down multiple agents, so don't deny your potential," he smiles.

"That was when I was high on adrenaline and scared for my life," I argue. "Those things are just luck."

"I guess that's why I have to teach you." Kylan shrugs.

The gym is empty at this time of night, so we have it all to ourselves.

"I want to learn, trust me." I get back into stance. "You just can't have such high expectations."

"Alright, alright." Kylan puts his hands up. "I'll start at beginner level, then."

I roll my eyes and he laughs, and I bite my lip to hide a smile.

— —

While Kylan's in the shower in our motel room, I realize there's only one bed. This place must not have offered doubles.

That will increase the tension...

I flip over the covers, and see an envelope. I tilt my head, slowly grabbing it. It's bound in a thick, red seal and my name is written in the front in fancy writing.

After only a second's hesitation, I carefully open the envelope. The paper is thick and feels expensive.

I pull out the letter inside, suddenly nervous. I take a deep, trembling breath, and unfold the paper. I pace the room as I read:

Amelia Hope,

I hope this finds you well. You have been quite the pain for my agents, and I can honestly say that I am amazed that you have escaped them so many times. My agents are have gone through years of strict training and you still managed to beat them. It makes me even more eager to catch you, Amelia.

I'm breathing faster now, and my hands are shaking I can hardly read.

It has been brought to my attention that you have met Kylan Singh, another 'special' I happened to be searching for as well. The two of you seem to make a great team, which excites me more. The power you both hold is great, which is why I need you to listen to me carefully.

I hear the shower stop, and read faster. I don't want Kylan to have to see this yet.

I have gone through great lengths in attempt to catch you— yet nothing has proven effective. I even dared to publicize you and risk others finding out about you.
Now you have escaped yet again. This will be the last time; the last warning. You will run no longer. You gave me no choice but to turn to such extremity.
I have your parents.

I nearly drop the letter and gasp, clutching a hand to my chest.

This was my worst fear. The thing eating at me all this time. I had no idea what happened to them, and I was so scared. I take a deep breath and continue reading.

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