Satin and Chenille

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Branch was walking between the twins who were holding his hands to make sure he didn't wander off.

They both looked concerned for the younger troll who had a thousand yard stare.

Satin smiled at him, "Branch, do you wanna go play with some other trolls?" She asked gently.

Branch shook his head slightly.

The twins grew more concerned as they watched the traumatized boy.

Chenille nodded, "Okay, are you hungry then?"

Branch shook his head again.

The twins looked at eachother and nodded, "How about we go sit on a bench at the park? We can just watch the other kids play, alright?" Satin asked.

Branch gave a slight nod and the twins took him to the park.

They all sat down on a bench and watched the other kids play.

Branch seemed to be somewhere else mentally, it concerned the twins a lot but they stayed calm.

Then a random little troll walked up to them and Branch seemed to snap out of his trance as he glanced at the younger kid.

"He's fat." The child said bluntly and ran off.

Satin and Chenille looked shocked and disgusted at what the child said.

They looked at Branch who was now silently crying.

The twins stood up and helped Branch up, "Come on honey, let's get you back home."

After a few minutes they got to the royal pod.

After another five seconds Branch was cuddled with Poppy and Creek.

Satin and Chenille looked at eachother seriously and nodded, they left and went back to the park where they saw the rude child.

"Where are your parents?" Chenille asked.

The child looked up at the twins and pointed to her parents, "Over there."

The twins hurried over and began to speak in unison, "Okay so your absolute biiii-..brat..of a child just called our little brother fat. We demand she gets punished for making him cry."

The mother raised an eyebrow, "You're older sisters to the freak boy?"

Satin growled, "He is NOT a freak! He's traumatized! Punish your child or we'll tell King Peppy that you made his baby cry!"

The adults paled and nodded, "Okay! Just don't tell King Peppy!"

The twins nodded and walked off, as they left they grinned at the child who had just got grounded for two weeks.

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