002. Correspondences for Yule

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Just a list of correspondences for Yule


Herbs: mistletoe, holly, cedar

Crystals: garnet, ruby, clear quartz, selenite, citrine, pyrite

Candle colors: red, green, white, yellow, gold

Plants: yew, evergreen trees, pine

Foods: apples, cinnamon, nutmeg, roast meat, turkey, ham, gingerbread cookies, yule log cake, eggnog

Symbols: yule log, the sun, candles, wheel of the year, apples, pine and pine cones, mistletoe, cinnamon sticks

Activities: gift giving, feasting, lighting candles, making Yule logs, nature walk, divination, crafting, community celebration, storytelling, reflection

Deities: Holly King, Oak King, Apollo ( Greek ), Ra ( Egyptian ), Freyja ( Norse ), Balder ( Norse ), Demeter ( Greek ), Saturn ( Roman ), Baldur ( Norse )



Red: represent the passion and energy associated with the Yule season

Green: represents the evergreen nature of plants during winter. Symbolizes spirit, life, and renewal.

White: symbolizes the winter snow and represents the potential for new beginnings

Gold and Yellow: represents warmth, sunlight, and the return of the sun, as well as abundance


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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