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[00:00] Black screen. Ambient noise from inside a car.

[00:02] White text appears centred on the black screen:

The following clips are raw footage excerpts from Alex Kralie.

A college friend of mine.

[00:07] Black screen.

[00:09] Fade in footage out the window of a vehicle of someone driving through the suburbs. Visible are houses, fences, industrial structures.

[00:12] White text appears at the top of the screen, overlaying the footage:

In 2006, Alex was in the process of shooting his student film, entitled Marble Hornets.
Over the three months that this took place, his film crew complained of his increasing levels of stress and irritability.
Near the end of shooting, Alex halted production indefinitely and dropped the unfinished project.
He told me it was due to the "unworkable conditions" on his set, which was less than a mile away from his house.

[00:42] Footage fades slowly back to black screen. Ambient noise continues.

I asked what he planned to do with the countless number of tapes he had filled.
"Burn them."

[00:53] Footage fades back in. This appears to be from the front of a car, as the sun is setting and dusk is falling. Visuals of other cars driving, streetlights, and small businesses along the side of the road (including a "Shell" gas station) can be seen. White text appears over the top of the screen again:

Being a film student myself, I hated to see all of his work go to waste.
And after some coercing he agreed to give them to me.
Under the condition that I never mention it to him again.

[01:14] Cut to footage of later evening. A treeline and various power lines and towers can be seen, black silhouettes against a darkening blue sky. The angle is lower. More white text:

Soon after, Alex transferred to another school and I haven't seen him since.
At the time, I was too unnerved to look through the tapes, and eventually forgot about them.

[01:27] The camera is angled towards the road ahead again rather than the treeline.

[01:28] The footage fades to black again. Ambient noise remains. More white text:

A few days ago I found them filed away in the back of my closet.
After three years and zero contact with Alex, I have decided to look through them.
All the tapes are unnumbered and missing timestamps. Other than taking place in the summer of 2006, it is impossible to determine the exact order or date of each.
Should I find anything in any of them I will upload it to keep as a permanent record.

[01:58] Ambient noise fades out.

[01:59] Video ends.

Marble Hornets TranscriptWhere stories live. Discover now