Chapter 4. Getting ready

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Jungkook woke up the next morning and you were still asleep. He let you sleep and walked downstairs to the living room and watched some tv.

The clock were around 10 am when you woke up. You stretched your limbs and yawned and sat up and looked around. You saw suitcases but didn't think so much about it.

"No Kookie?" You asked to yourself and sighed. Then you stood up and walked downstairs and saw Jungkook on the couch and you smiled softly and went to him.

"Oh! Good morning bunny. How was your sleep?" Jungkook asked and you smiled.

"It was nice." You said. Then you remembered the suitcases in the bedroom.

"Why is it bags in the bedroom?" You asked and Jungkook smiled.

"Well, me and you and the others of course. We are going on tour. I have concerts and stuff to do in other countries." Jungkook said and you smiled softly and nodded.

"Okay." You said and you laid down on the couch.

"I'm still tired Kookie." You said and he looked at you and smiled softly.

"Are you? You slept really long today. Do you feel well?" He asked and you thought about it and nodded.

"Yeah, I think so." You said and he nodded.

"Do you want breakfast?" He asked and you shook your head.

"I am not hungry Kookie." You said and he nodded.

"Okay, we can eat later if you want to." You nodded and laid down comfortably and fell asleep on the couch again.

Jungkook looked at you and smiled softly and walked to his bedroom and started to pack your bags and then his bags.

You woke up after an hour and sniffled softly and went to look after Jungkook. You found him in his room and you walked to him and hugged his leg and he heard you sniffle a little. He picked you up and rubbed your back.

"What's wrong bunny?" He asked and you hugged him.

"I don't feel so well Kookie..." You said and Jungkook laid his hand on your forehead and he smiled sadly.

"You're burning up darling. Let's go and take the temperature." He said and walked to the bathroom with you and he took your temperature.

"It's says 38,3 (celcius) darling. You have a fever. You need to take some medicine." He said and you sighed and clinged to Jungkook and he kissed your head and walked into the kitchen and sat you on the counter. He poured some medicine in a cup and gave you.

"Here darling. Drink this, you can get banana milk afterwards." He said and you drank everything and then coughed and pouted.

"Ew! Not good." You said and he chuckled and gave you banana milk. You drank two sips of it then handed it to him and he looked at you.

"Don't you want it?" He asked and you shook your head and made grabby hands to him. Jungkook picked you up and rubbed your back and walked into the living room and laid down on the couch with you on his chest.

"Darling? Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked and you nodded.

"Wanna watch finding Nemo." You said and he nodded and started the movie and kissed your forehead.

"I have to make a phone call but I will be back soon, okay?" You nodded and climbed over to the couch and laid down beside Jungkook and he walked away and called Namjoon.

Nj: hi JK
JK: hey Hyung. Uhm, I might have a little problem.
Nj: what's the matter?
JK: Y/n is sick, she has a fever and refuses to eat or drink. When was the flight?
Nj: it's tomorrow morning. Can you make it?
JK: I hope so but she doesn't feel well, I'm worried how it will go in the US during the interviews and concerts. She's very clingy
Nj: hmm..we can plan it all tomorrow, as long as you can board the flight tomorrow would be great.
JK: okay, we will be there. See you tomorrow hyung
Nj: see you tomorrow, take care
JK: you too hyung. Bye

Jungkook hung up the phone and walked to you and he smiled softly and laid down on the couch and picked you up and laid you down on his chest.

"Who you talked to?" You asked and he rubbed your back.

"I talked to Namjoon hyung. I had to ask him what we should do tomorrow because you are sick." He said and you nodded.

"What happens tomorrow?" You asked and he smiled softly.

"We will get up early and go to the airport and fly to the US." He said and you nodded and hugged him and looked at the movie.

"Are you hungry bunny?" You shrugged and hugged him tighter and didn't want Jungkook to leave. He smiled softly and hugged you.

"I won't leave you bunny, okay? Let's go to the kitchen." He said and stood up with you in his arms and you had your head on his shoulder.

Jungkook looked in the fridge and you saw some leftovers from tteokbokki and you pointed it out. Jungkook smiled and took the box and heated it up and poured it in a bowl and placed it on the table and he sat you down on your chair and you started to eat and you clapped your hands.

"Yummy!" You said and ate everything in your bowl. Then you drank the rest of your banana milk.

Jungkook took the dishes to the sink and you climbed down from the chair and coughed a little and then you were clinging to Jungkook the rest of the afternoon. You hadn't slept since lunch and you looked at movies with Jungkook.

Now it was 7 in the evening and Jungkook smiled softly.

"Bunny? Should we get ready for bed? We can watch movies in my bed." Jungkook said and you nodded.

"Okay Ap- Kookie." You got a little flustered that you almost called him Appa and walked to the bathroom and brushed your teeth and then walked to your room and got dressed into a pajamas, then you went to Jungkooks room and climbed into his bed.

Jungkook laid down beside you and he started a movie. You watched the movie but after 30 minutes you fell asleep.

Jungkook looked at you and saw that you were asleep. He kissed your head and played some video games and then he went to sleep. He set up alarms at 5am so he could wake up and make it to the airport in time.

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