42 Bondita secretly went out for interview, samnayak visited Anirudh

Start from the beginning

Anyways you don't blabber but listen to my commands.

Sampoorna: yes tell me

Jagannath: when you both visit that ANIRUDH find out his address and where he is working observe him very keenly and if you find anything fishy then create difference of opinions between father and son there itself. Do you understand?

Sampoorna: yes sir (అయ్య గారూ/malik) and disconnected the phone and thought: This old man had his own  reasons and I have my own  reasons . He don't want his son in law love his second son(Anirudh) and I don't want my jewellery theft truth to come out   for that I have to keenly observe Anirudh and put him in any fix there  and again separate him from vinayak and smirked viciously


In Delhi :

After what Satish grandma blabbered about her financially depending on him she became very silent and followed him to his house so silently to study .

Bondita is trying to study in Anirudh's house but Inside her heart she is thinking of what grandma told about her situation. Anirudh is cutting vegetables and preparing food for her thinking of how to dilute grandma words rooted in her mind

Without you people she might be on roads ? Dot she know this? Don't she need to have loyalty towards you people ? - This grandma words are echoing in her ears .

She couldn't continue reading and kept her books aside and came out and sat on steps and looking at road side holding her tears sadly .. this situation is  hurting her inside

Anirudh saw this and sighed shooking his head. To lift her mood he started making bournvita for her and coffee for him for a break and friendly cum motivational talks .

He need to patch up with her badly and do friendship again   and make her feel comfortable with him.. else this naive girl will feel too ashamed infront of him and this embarassment and cold shoulder is not good for both of them in any ways  . Last time she had gone missing out of this craziness only . What if she do something like that again? No ..before anything like that happen he should do something to lift her mood without hurting her .

Outside Bondita is pressing her hands in her lap  and  feeling so embarrassed and ashamed infront of her bava . She closed her fists angrily hitting slightly on forehead and thinking what to do she is dependent on him financially also ..as long as she is dependent on him in money matters how  can she run away from him and make him free. How can he move on in his life ?

She is now really a burden on him.. what can she do ? How to  free him  and let him move on? Money is necessary for anyone to live in this world.

To take law coaching and then to join law course she need money

Here in the big city Everything is quite expensive.. she is too young to look after herSelf she won't get any job and looking blankly at road side

How pitiful her situation is and she is  about to hurt her clenched fist by banging it to wall but her hand is held by someone in air and when she turned back it is him - her Anirudh bava came with tray of two mugs and one newspaper in his other hand

He kept aside the tray and   bent and opened her fists kept one  huge cup in her hand and asked her to be careful because bournvita is hot . He  told controlling his teasing smirk

Is he teasing her ? Here she is feeling so sad and thinking about how to free him but for him is it all a play ?

She looked angrily with her slightly swollen eyes and asked : what ? I am not bournvita

Anirudh cleared his throat and told controlling his smile pretending innocence: Bournvita ! I mean the beverage which you drink ..have it bourn..I mean Bondita.....it's very hot ....

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