The Fate of the World P1

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So many campers have fallen sick that Will took over Percy and Nico's cabins. The infirmary doesn't have enough room for all the patients, and the sick campers must be quarantined from the healthy ones with other injuries.

The infirmary is for injured campers, and the Poseidon and Hades cabins are for diseased campers.

Will ties off his makeshift bandage for the Hermes kid and sends her on her way. He wipes his hands on his pants and meticulously washes them. Since they can't leave camp, the Apollo kids cannot get more gloves. It goes against their very nature, but they stopped using gloves when dealing with any campers but the sick ones.

"I'm going to do an inventory of the supply closet. Will you please check on Jamison for me?"

"That's the son of Ares, right?"

"Yeah. He's in room three. Be careful and wear protective clothing. Jamison came in yesterday complaining about feeling sick. It could be a normal sickness, but it is better to be safe than sorry."

"Got it." Kaya ties her red and green hair back and slips on a mask and gloves.

Will grabs the inventory clipboard off the back of the supply closet door and gets to work. Things are not looking good. They are out of almost everything. Give it another week or two; they will be in severe trouble.

He signs the clipboard and hangs it on the hook. He strips off his lab coat and tosses his stethoscope onto a rolling cart. "Kayla, I'm heading down the hall to ask Chiron if he will sanction a supply trip. Are you okay watching the infirmary while I'm gone?"

Since the outbreak of the sickness, Will banned his siblings under thirteen from the infirmary and sick cabins. Most older campers died during the Battle of Manhatten or against Gaia, so the infirmary is severely understaffed.

Kayla and Austin are Will's second-in-command. If, for whatever reason, Will needs to leave the infirmary, they are the first people he asks to take over. Austin is on duty in the Hades and Poseidon cabins, so Kayla is the only option.

After a full minute of no response, Will walks down the patient room hallway. The infirmary isn't meant for long-term stays, so only three rooms are on either side of the short hallway.

"Kayla?" Will has never felt uncomfortable in the infirmary, but his voice echoing sends chills crawling up his spine.

Something clatters to the floor of room three, and medical tools scatter. Will jumps at the noise. Unease stops him from walking further. He's about to do the smart thing and find someone stronger and who has more combat knowledge - like Nico - to check on Kayla and Jamison when something thumps against the wall, and muffled screams filter out from under the door.

Will jumps into action. The doors don't have windows to give patients privacy, so Will has no idea what he is getting into when he throws the door open.

Jamison holds Kayla against the wall with one hand around her throat. Will's eyes go impossibly large with shock when Jamison yanks Kayla's head to the side and sinks his teeth into her skin. Blood spills over Kayla's shoulder and drips from Jamison's mouth.

Will isn't a skilled warrior - he's a healer, not a fighter - but he does his best. He directs a beam of sunlight from the window onto the back of Jamison's head. Jamison hisses as the light burns his scalp. He drops Kayla, coughing and gasping to the floor, and bolts out of the open door.

Will panics, looking between the open door and Kayla. Kayla presses a hand against her wound, waving at Will with the other. She can't speak, but Will understands nonetheless. Go, I'll be fine!

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