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"Okay, so what do you say when you really want to fight somebody?"

Robin furrowed her brow, thinking about Jasper's question.

"I insult them." She said after a long consideration. "Verbally."

"Very good. What would you say to that person?"

"Fuck you."


"Fuck you and... your father?"

"Nice!" Jasper clasped his hands. "That took you just two weeks to get. Anyway, if you want to get creative, you can mix and match. If they're a woman, you can insult their mother instead. I like to change it up."

Robin blinked.

"Oho." Elvira clicked her tongue, looking up from her magazine. "She's giving you the look."

Jasper sighed.

"Robin, we've talked about this. You can ask the 'obvious for literally anybody ever' questions at any time. We're already used to it. You don't have to stop yourself and sit in silence."

"How do I know?" She asked right away.

"Know what?"

"If they are a woman or a man."

"Well, I mean..." Jasper faltered, thinking about it. "I usually just go by looks, even if it is not a completely sure method."

"If I were to judge on looks, what are the differences?"

Don't be bewildered, Jasper repeated to himself internally. She could have been brought up extremely sheltered. Maybe she was bred and raised to be a freaky secret weapon for special forces or mafia. Maybe she grew up in the jungle, raised by wild tigers. Just answer the question.

"Let's go for an example. You are a...?" He waited for her to finish the sentence. She just blinked at him. "A... woman?"

"It looks like we have not only assigned Robin a name, but also a gender when we first met her." Elvira chuckled, amused.

"Hm. Robin." Jasper rubbed the back of his head. "What do you identify as?"

"A human." She said a bit too quickly.

"Yes, but... a woman? A man? Neither? Both?"

"She doesn't know the difference, so she doesn't get the question, dear." Elvira berated him gently. "Robin, dear, in very general sense it's about how people address you and talk about you. Do you mind that we call you a 'she', 'lass', 'girl' and 'woman'?"

Robin shrugged.

"It's all the same to me."

"Then we'll keep using those until you change your mind. We'll get someone to give you a talk about gender identities. Someone more experienced and tactful than Jasper."

"Hey!" He protested half heartedly, chuckling.

There was a knock at the cardboard door. Without waiting for a response the door moved. A man came in, wearing a dark jacket, towering over all of them.

Jasper tensed, freezing in place. Elvira sat up, clenching her magazine. Robin leaned just a bit forward, seeing their reactions to the newcomer.

"Easy." The man said, raising his hands. "I come in peace."

"Ian." Elvira said his name as if it was a curse. "Don't talk to us about peace when you are still working under Miller's boot."

"Don't be so dramatic."

Demonic Detective: Day OneWhere stories live. Discover now