"My name is Lucy, and I've just recently joined Fairy Tail! Mira asked me to come along so that I might learn a thing or two. I hope that's okay with you," Lucy says politely.

"The more, the merrier! I'm Erza," Erza replies. "Wait! You're the girl I heard about! I was told you'd defeated a mercenary-gorilla using only your pinky finger! It'll be great to have a wizard like you on board. Thanks for your help!"

Lucy has a startled expression on her face when Erza mention this, and she hugs Plu tightly. "Oh, no! It's my pleasure...!"

Natsu says when he and Gray finally stop fighting, a serious look on his face, "Hey, Erza! I'll come with you, but only under one condition."

With a nervous expression, Gray hisses to the pinkette, "Shut up!"

"Oh? Well, then, let's hear it," Erza says.

Clenching a fist, Natsu replies, "Okay! I wanna rematch when we get back to Fairy Tail!"

Lucy, Happy and I gasp as the blue cat jumps into the air, wings spread.

"What's wrong with you?! You got some kinda death wish?!" Gray demands, placing his hand on Natsu's right shoulder.

"I'm a lot stronger than I was last time! But this you time will be way different... 'Cause I'm gonna beat you!"

Erza says, "Yes, I can tell you've improved. As to whether or not you could beat me, I suppose we'll just have to see. I accept your challenge."

"ALRIGHT!! I'M FIRED UP!!" Natsu yells as he lets loose a Fire Dragon's Roar while tilting his his head back and looking upward.


On the train to Onibas Station, I sit next to Gray, Lucy beside Erza with Plu in her arms, and Natsu sits on my other side. Happy sits next to him. The pinkette is groaning in pain as he's wracked with motion sickness.

"Geez, you're pathetic. One minute you're picking a fight and the next, you're puking your guts up," Gray mumbles, leaning his chin in his hand.

"It's normal but I think he's in pain," Lucy says in concern, gazing at the pinkette.

"It can't be helped," Says Erza. She pats the seat beside her. "Come. Sit with me." Lucy and Natsu exchange seats. Her arm around his shoulders, Erza tells Natsu, "Now, just relax."


Lucy and I wince when Erza punches her left gauntlet covered fist into his stomach, a loud crack reaching our ears, and Natsu collapses into her lap.

"There." I sweat drop, feeling bad for him.

Gray says seriously, "Erza, I think it's about time you started filling us in. I mean, just what kind of mission are we goin' on here?"

Erza replies in a serious voice, "Of course. I have reason to believe the dark guild Eisenwald is planning something big. I'm not sure what exactly, but it has something to do with the magic item called Lullaby."

"Lullaby?" Happy, Gray and I repeat, glancing at each other.

Holding up a finger, Lucy says, "Wait! That thing from before?"

Book 1: Soul Seeker (Sting Eucliffe X OC)Where stories live. Discover now