Snape's Worst Memory

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Oliver found himself back in his room at Grimmauld Place. He lay on the bed, engrossed in a passionate make-out session with Hermione, when suddenly, a voice from behind made his heart plummet.

"I may vomit," the voice uttered in a disgusted tone.

Startled, Oliver turned around only to be faced with Snape standing there, an unwelcome witness to their intimate moment.

Oliver snapped back to reality and felt his anger boiling inside him. "That was private!"

Snape, remaining his calm and composed self, retorted coldly, "Not to me. And certainly not to the Dark Lord, unless you improve."

Oliver sat there in silence, taking big breaths to calm his racing thoughts. The Occlumency lessons were draining him, both physically and emotionally, as they demanded intense focus and control.

"Every memory he has access to is a weapon he can use against you. You wouldn't last two seconds if he invaded your mind," Snape said, a note of disappointment in his voice. "You're lazy and arrogant."

Annoyance burned within Oliver as he couldn't help but feel attacked. "Shut up!" he exclaimed, his frustration bubbling to the surface.

Snape, with a sly smile, continued taunting. "Not to mention weak."

"I'm not weak!" Oliver shouted defiantly, refusing to be belittled.

Snape, raising his wand, riled Oliver up even more with a challenging tone. "Then prove it!"

"Just let me have some rest. We've been at this for hours," Oliver pleaded, his voice laced with exhaustion.

Snape's scowl deepened, his impatience showing on his face. "Do you think the Dark Lord is resting right now? I despise sentimental children who do nothing but whine about how unfair their lives are," he sneered. "It may have escaped your notice, Montclair, but life isn't fair!"

Oliver gritted his teeth, frustration burning in his veins.

Snape raised his wand again, ready to dive into Oliver's thoughts. "Now, Legilimens!"

Thinking quickly, Oliver's reflexes kicked in. He instinctively raised his wand and shouted, "Protego!" The spell rebounded, deflecting back at Snape, catching him off guard.

Oliver found himself standing at the side of a serene lake, drawn towards the shade of a tree. As he approached, he noticed a boy seated under its branches, engrossed in a book. To Oliver's surprise, it was Snape, but he appeared much younger, possibly around fifteen years old.

"Snape!" came a shout from a distance, catching both Oliver's and Snape's attention. Oliver turned to see another boy, who bore an uncanny resemblance to Harry. It had to be James, Harry's father.

Snape's head snapped towards James, a flicker of fear crossing his face. Reacting swiftly, Snape reached for his wand, aiming it at James.

"Expelliarmus!" James exclaimed, causing Snape's wand to fly out of his grasp.

Oliver stood there watching, a mix of surprise and curiosity coursing through him.

"Nice one, James!" said a boy standing next to James, and Oliver assumed it was a young Sirius Black, based on the striking resemblance.

With a flick of his wand, Snape was suddenly floating up in the air, completely defenseless. A group of onlookers gathered around them, taunting Snape with a chant of "Snivellus Greasy!"

Oliver's eyebrows shot up in disbelief at the scene unfolding before him. He couldn't fathom the cruelty and sadistic behavior displayed by the younger versions of James and Sirius.

"Who wants to see me take off Snivelly's trousers?" James asked, a sadistic smile plastered on his face.

"Enough!" Present-day Snape exclaimed, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and pain.

Oliver was torn from the disturbing memory, snapping back to reality. His legs gave way, and he fell back into the chair.

It was a scary sight as Snape grabbed Oliver by the shirt, his eyes filled with fury. Snape's lips quivered, his face turning white, and his teeth were bared in a terrifying snarl.

"You enjoying yourself?" Snape spat out.

Oliver's mind raced, unsure of how to respond. It suddenly started to make sense why Snape had always been so cold towards everyone, especially Harry.

"Amusing man, that James Potter, right?" Snape sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

"Look, sir, I-"

"You will not tell anyone what you saw!" Snape hissed, his grip on Oliver's shirt tightening.

Trying to maintain his composure, Oliver nodded quickly. "Of course," he managed to utter, desperately attempting to distance himself from Snape.

Without warning, Snape forcefully shoved Oliver to the ground, causing him to crash down onto the hard floor. He pointed towards the exit, his voice filled with venom. "Get out! I don't ever want to see you in this office again."

Scrambling to his feet, Oliver picked himself up and hastily made his way out of the office.

Oliver headed to the library in search of Harry, determined to share the shocking truth Snape had warned him to keep quiet about. He believed Harry deserved to know the real story.

Oliver found Harry engaged in conversation with Ginny Weasley, their laughter filling the air. He hastily approached them, trying to maintain a serious expression.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I really need to talk to you, Harry."

Harry glanced at Ginny and gave her a quick reassurance. "I'll be right back."

They stepped into the hallway, away from prying ears, and Oliver wasted no time in pouring out everything he had witnessed.

Harry looked stunned, his eyes wide with a mix of disbelief and realization. He stared at Oliver, struggling to find the right words before finally speaking, his voice filled with uncertainty.

"You're sure it was my dad?" Harry's voice quivered slightly, his emotions apparent.

Oliver nodded. "Yeah, his name is James, right?"

Harry let out a shaky breath, his gaze dropping to the floor. "And Sirius... it was him too?"

Oliver gave a confirming nod. "Pretty sure, mate."

Harry ran a hand through his messy hair, his face contorted with a mix of confusion and inner turmoil. Oliver could sense the weight of the news and couldn't help but feel sorry for his friend.

"Thank you for telling me, Oliver," Harry said sincerely.

"Of course, mate," Oliver replied compassionately. "I'm sorry for interrupting your little date with your lady friend there."

Harry's cheeks instantly turned a shade of crimson, evident of his embarrassment. "I'm not on a date with her! We're just talking."

Oliver raised an eyebrow playfully, giving Harry a wink. "Right. I won't tell Ron."

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