Dumbledore's Army

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The ensuing weeks at Hogwarts unfolded in absolute turmoil as Umbridge ascended to power, ruling with an iron fist. Her authority extended to attempting the removal of Professor Trelawney, a move halted only upon Dumbledore's return.

Amidst the prevailing tension, Oliver sat in the common room, engrossed in a book, when Isabella approached. "Hey Ollie, come with me for a second."

Curiosity piqued, Oliver rose and followed Isabella, only to find Hermione waiting outside the common room.

"Where are we going?" Oliver asked.

"It's a secret," Hermione replied, her words accompanied by a mysterious smile.

Oliver trailed behind them, their path leading them beyond the castle's confines.

"Okay, seriously, where are we going? It's freezing out here," Oliver remarked, rubbing his hands together in an attempt to ward off the cold.

"We're here," Isabella announced.

Confusion etched Oliver's expression as he surveyed the surroundings, finding nothing but a tiny, run-down shack before him. "Huh?"

"Just go in," Hermione instructed, opening the door and gesturing for Oliver to enter.

Upon stepping inside, Oliver was met with surprise as he discovered a gathering of many of his classmates.

"Uh, hi, guys... What's going on here?" Oliver asked, stepping into the center of attention.

Hermione claimed the center of the modest shack, her gaze encompassing everyone present. "Um, hi, everyone. You all know why you're here. We need a teacher."

"A proper teacher," Isabella chimed in as she joined the gathering.

"One who's had real experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts," Hermione continued, her words carrying a weighty significance as she turned to fix her gaze on Oliver, signaling a tacit understanding of the role they hoped he would undertake.

Oliver's eyes widened in sheer shock. "M-me? What?!" he stammered, caught off guard by the unexpected proposition.

"Why?" Asked one of the students, adopting a condescending tone.

"Why? Because You-Know-Who is back, you tosspot," Ron retorted, a hint of annoyance lacing his words.

"So he says," the student replied once more in a condescending tone, casting a skeptical look toward Oliver.

"So Dumbledore says!" Hermione interjected.

"So he says Dumbledore says. The point is, where's the proof?" the skeptical student challenged, raising a valid but contentious question in the tense atmosphere of the makeshift meeting.

"Our brother is dead, you asshat. Is that proof enough for you?" Isabella seethed, her anger palpable in the charged atmosphere.

A heavy silence hung in the room before Cho broke it. "Could you tell us more about how Henry got killed, Oliver?"

Sighing, Oliver rose from his seat. "I'm not talking about Henry. This is just a waste of time," he declared, casting a disapproving look at Hermione as he moved towards the door.

Hermione hastily caught his arm. "Wait, please," she whispered urgently.

"Is it true you can produce the Patronus charm?" Luna asked.

"Yes, he can!" both Isabella and Hermione affirmed in unison, their voices resonating with a shared determination to make a compelling case.

"He saved both of our lives with it, actually. Go ahead and show them," Isabella urged.

Oliver sighed before gracefully retrieving his wand.

"Expecto Patronum!" he exclaimed, unleashing a tiny, radiant light that emanated from his wand, captivating everyone present.

Wide-eyed, the onlookers expressed their amazement.

"Blimey, Oliver, I didn't know you could do that," Seamus exclaimed.

"He also killed a basilisk with a sword!" Neville chimed in.

"That's true as well!" Isabella added her confirmation.

"In third year, he fought off about 100 Dementors at once," Ron interjected, each testament building a compelling case for Oliver's capabilities in the face of magical threats.

"And last year, he really did fight off You-Know-Who. I saw his scars," Hermione asserted.

"Wait," Oliver interjected, attempting to temper the burgeoning admiration. "It all probably sounds great on paper, but I either had help from someone else or just got lucky every time. I'm nothing special, I have no idea what I'm doing."

"He's just being modest," Hermione countered, a warm smile gracing her face.

"No, Hermione, just stop," Oliver insisted, a tinge of frustration in his voice. "Facing this stuff in real life is not like school at all. In school, if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow. In the real world, if you make a mistake, you're dead. You guys don't know what that's like." The raw reality of Oliver's words hung heavily in the air, dispelling any romanticized notions of his experiences.

Oliver pivoted towards the door once more, intending to leave, but Hermione once again seized his arm, gently pulling him back.

"You're right, Oliver. We don't. And that's exactly why we need your help. Because if we're going to have any chance of beating..." Hermione hesitated, visibly wincing as she reluctantly uttered the name. "Voldemort," she said, the weight of the word hanging in the air. "We need you, Oliver."

A profound silence enveloped the room as Oliver stood contemplative, his gaze sweeping across the faces of those gathered.

"All in favor of having Oliver lead us," Isabella declared, raising her hand.

In a unanimous display of unity, every hand in the room, including that of the once-skeptical student, rose in agreement, affirming their collective decision to entrust Oliver with a leadership role in their challenging journey ahead.

"I don't know, guys," Oliver hesitated, uncertainty evident in his voice.

"You can't back out now, it's already been decided," Isabella reassured with a warm smile. "Besides, what do you think Henry would want you to do?"

These words injected Oliver with a renewed sense of purpose. "Okay... I'll do it," he declared, driven by the desire to honor his brother's memory.

"Great! We should come up with a cool name," Ron suggested.

"How about the Defense Association? It can just be D.A for short," Cho proposed.

"I like that! How about if it's Dumbledore's Army instead? I mean, that's what the Ministry fears most, right?" Isabella suggested.

"All in favor of Dumbledore's Army?" Hermione asked.

Mostly everyone raised their hands.

"Passed!" Hermione declared, jotting it down on a piece of paper.

With a collective sense of commitment, everyone inscribed their names under "Dumbledore's Army."

The Order Of The Phoenix - Hermione Granger x OC حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن