The Truth

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With Dumbledore gone, Umbridge had somehow weasled her way into becoming the headmistress at Hogwarts, causing a drastic decline in everyone's morale. The once vibrant atmosphere of the school had been subdued under her ruling.

After leaving his class, Oliver noticed Cho standing outside the room, patiently waiting for him. As he walked by, he couldn't help but notice the disapproving glances directed towards her. It seemed that no one dared to talk to her.

"Oliver," she called out, extending her hand towards his arm.

Oliver scoffed and attempted to walk past her, dismissing her presence.

"Please, wait," she pleaded, her grip on his arm tightening slightly.

"What do you want?" Oliver asked, irritation lacing his words.

"I'm so sorry I ratted us out, but you have to believe me, it wasn't my fault," Cho said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"And how exactly isn't this your fault?" Oliver asked.

"She forced me to drink this weird liquid. After that, I couldn't control anything I was saying. It all slipped out."

Oliver's face immediately shifted from annoyance to disbelief.

"Wait, so she gave you something, and then you couldn't control anything you were saying?"

Cho nodded her head, tears now streaming down her face. The pain and regret evident in her tear-filled eyes enhanced her earnest plea for understanding.

"There's only one thing that can do that... but surely," Oliver said, his gaze fixed on Umbridge, who was shamelessly eavesdropping on their conversation. A twisted smirk adorned her face, confirming Oliver's suspicions.

"She wouldn't," Oliver finished his sentence, his doubt dissipating as he now fully believed in Cho's story.

Without wasting a moment, Oliver seized Cho's hand, leading her away from Umbridge's prying ears.

"I'm really sorry, Cho," Oliver whispered sincerely.

Sobbing, Cho choked out her words, burdened by guilt and despair. "Everyone hates me now, Oliver. I've ruined everything."

"Hey, look at me," Oliver said tenderly, cupping Cho's face in his hands. "This is not your fault. That woman is evil and sadistic, and she had absolutely no right to use Veritaserum on a student. I know firsthand what it feels like to have the whole school hate you for something beyond your control. I promise you, Cho, I will spread the word and do everything in my power to clear your name."

"Thank you, Oliver," Cho replied, a glimmer of hope shining through her teary eyes. A faint smile graced her lips as she warmly embraced him, grateful for his unwavering support in her darkest hour.

Oliver returned to the common room and recounted the entire ordeal to Hermione, Isabella, and Ron.

"What?!" Hermione interjected, her expression a perfect reflection of disbelief.

Isabella and Ron mirrored Hermione's shocked face, unable to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

"Yeah, I can't believe it either!" Oliver replied.

"That dirty old hag!" Ron muttered through gritted teeth, his anger simmering just below the surface.

"What do we do now?" Isabella asked.

Oliver sighed, his mind racing as he paced back and forth. "I don't know... I can't stand the fact that bitch beat us!"

"You did everything you could. No one can win against her," Ron attempted to reassure Oliver.

"Even Dumbledore didn't see this coming," Hermione chimed in.

In a fit of anger, Oliver slammed his hands down onto a nearby desk. "This is all my fault," he declared, frustration and guilt consuming him.

"No, Oliver, it's not your fault," Isabella said.

Hermione nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we all talked you into it."

Oliver's face contorted with self-blame. "But I still agreed to it. And now everyone is on Umbridge's hit list, all because of me. I tried so hard to help, and all it's done is make things worse for everyone."

"We'll find a way to beat her. We always do. Don't give up now, Ollie," Isabella said, her voice full of determination and conviction.

Oliver sunk deeper into his despair, his voice laced with a sense of defeat. "There is no 'we' anymore. I don't want anyone else going down with me. So maybe it's just better to..."

Oliver paused, grappling with the weight of what he was about to say.

"To what?" Hermione asked, annoyance creeping into her voice.

"To go it alone," Oliver declared.

"That's not happening," Isabella immediately shot down.


"No, Oliver, we're in this together. Until the very end," Isabella interrupted, her voice firm and unwavering.

"She's right, mate," Ron chimed in, his agreement adding weight to Isabella's words.

Hermione gently touched Oliver's shoulder, locking eyes with him. The warmth in her gaze was filled with love and unwavering loyalty. "Until the end," she declared.

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