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I always thought I was born to compete in the arena, but I've realised I was born to protect the people I love, now they are both dead and it's my fault. There was no purpose in me living at all.


I'm standing up on the stage, the stage my sister was meant to be on. I should be focused on her right now, I lied to her, I should only be thinking about the guilt she will be feeling while im in the arena, the guilt I've caused her. But instead, I can't stop looking at Achilles. He's good at hiding his emotions which is not good in this situation. I can't tell if he's worried, hurt, angry or confused. I can't stop looking into his green eyes as tears are welling up in them.My questions are put to an end when our escort, Lusitania Apollo breaks the silence by saying, "now for the boys". I actually don't know if District one selected a boy, or if it's just going to be another idiot volunteering out of their own ambition. The name gets read out "Jasper King", and of course in true District One fashion I see a boy raise his hand within a second, he says "I volunteer as tribute." I feel physically sick when I realise who's voice that was. It was Achilles. Now I'm the one feeling guilty, if I hadn't volunteered, then neither would he. But I had to volunteer, Glimmer can't die first and neither can Achilles.

The Peacekeepers walk Achilles and I into the Mayors building in completely different directions so we don't get a chance to talk to one another. They push me into one of the offices and shut the door behind me as I wait for my visitors. Glimmer comes bursting into the room, tears flooding her eyes, her face soaked in guilt "it's not your fault", I remind her. I've never seen Glimmer look this dissappointed in me. I've never seen anyone look this dissappointed in me.

"I was meant to go first, Athena, what if you die in there?", Glimmer shouts.

"I won't"

, "Can you promise me that Athena?" I try to speak but I can't help but hesitate "of course you can't", Glimmer says sounding even angrier now "the second Achilles raised his hand, you were going to die in that arena. I know you Athena, you won't let anyone you love die before you. That's why you volunteered, right?"I slightly nod my head, worried that any slight movement I make will make Glimmer even more angry.

"I don't know what to do Glimmer, I mean the whole reason I volunteered before you is so that there was less chance of me having to watch someone I love die, but then Achilles volunteered and I-" Glimmer cuts me off,

"I know you don't want Achilles to die, but please win, I know you can, I'll have to go in next year and I can't do it without you." She's calm now, but serious still. I can't promise her I won't let Achilles win over me so I just say,

"I promise you I will make the right decision." It's clear that wasn't the response she was hoping for, as a look of worry washes over her. She turns to leave the office as our time is up, "I love you Glimmer." I say just before she leaves,

"Love you too Athena, please think with a clear head in there, this might be the one time in your life you are going to have to think of yourself and not others." As she walks away I can't help but think, that could've been the last thing my sister will ever say to me.

I'm left in the room for another 15 minutes waiting for a guest that I know is never going to come, my Father. My Mother died when I was 2 so I never really knew her, but our Father was amazing, he made flowers out of crystals for a living which was extrememly successful, and we were one of the wealthiest families in the District, since our grandfather won the first quarter quell. Although we didn't have a Mother, our Father raised us well and looked after us, of course that was until Glimmer and I were selected to be the Districts next victors. He hasn't spoken a word to either of us since. That was 2 years ago now. Our Father got kicked out of the training centre when he was 13 to make room for new kids, basically, he wasn't good enough. I suppose his jealousy was stronger than his love for his own daughters. Although, you'd expect he'd come to see me before I'm about to be shipped off to fight to the death. Maybe not.

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