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Glimmer turned 17 three weeks ago today. She wanted a small gathering, so that is what we gave her. Just friends and family, Cashmere, Gloss, Mr and Mrs Sonhart, me, and Glimmer's training partner at the academy. Marvel Sanford. I've known him since we were young. Our father didn't want Glimmer and I to be friends with him since apparently "the Belcourts have a much higher status than the Sanfords"  or some shit like that. Regardless, we didn't listen to him and Glimmer and Marvel stayed friends. But today, it's my turn to have a small gathering for my birthday. At least that's what I want. Just the same as Glimmers, same people, same house, same comfort. But I have to live the life of a victor now apparently, so a massive party in the Capitol, despite being the thing I want the least. Is what I'm stuck with. 

"Good morning Athena." Cashmere says as her, Gloss, and Glimmer enter my room at Cash's house, where Glimmer and I stayed last night. 

"Happy Birthday" Gloss follows with. They're both smiling. But something feels off. It's as if there's a reason they don't want me to turn 16, they don't want me to move to the Capitol. I know there must be something they aren't telling me. But I don't think I'll be able to make them tell me, I guess whatever it is, I'll find out soon enough. Glimmer comes up and hugs me, then lifts me out of my bed. 

"Happy Birthday Athena Belcourt, the greatest victor Panem has ever seen." Glimmer says with a rediculously serious voice, mocking the Hunger Games tradition. "Now, lets go open your presents." She says with a smile, a genuine one. I turn back to Cash and Gloss, fake smiles still painted on their faces, Cashmere's holding back tears while Gloss mutters something to her. 

"Glimmer, you go down to the living room, I'll join in a sec, just need to talk to Cash and Gloss about something, we have some," I hesitate, not sure what to tell her. "Victor business to discuss. It won't take a minute, I promise." 

"Ok?" She replies, obviously aware that it's not 'victor business' ,"Just, don't take too long discussing your, what was your excuse again? Victor things? It's your birthday and you'll be going on the victory tour soon so I want to spend as much time with you as possible. You know, since I'm volunteering next year." She's still volunteering? After everything that happened to me? I grab her wrist and drag her back up the stairs, into her room. I don't want to involve Cashmere and Gloss until I've sorted this. I love them, but I know Glimmer better than anyone else so I need to be the one to talk to her about it first. Especially since after today I might not see her until next years Reaping. I need to know she won't be the one I'm mentoring. 

"Glimmer. What the fuck do you mean you're volunteering next year? I mean, come on, look at me. I'm a mess, I can't even say 'I'll be right back' without being reminded of Achilles, I can't walk past the training centre without thinking of Demetrius, I can't even look at my own sister smile without remembering what happened to Oceania. Glimmer you need to trust me on this one. I don't care how good you are. You could be capable of killing all 23 other tributes for all I care and I still wouldn't be willing to let you go. It breaks even the strongest of people. I should know. Please Glimmer, don't leave me to get through this alone. I can't carry on like this, not without you." 

"YOU THINK I'M GONNA DIE IN THERE? Don't deny it Athena that's basically what you said. Look I know it's not guaranteed that I'll win. Accidents happen, I get it. But I have to go. We were told to by the District, remember? If I don't go I'll live a life of embarrassment. If the District tells you to volunteer, you volunteer. It's the 'greatest honour' a career can receive. Athena, everyone loves us here, us, our family, we have a reputation to carry. We are kind, helpful, lets face it, not bad to look at, and yes, we have a high status that needs to be protected. I love you so much Athena, but I can't live the rest of my life in my sisters shadow knowing I didn't even try to avoid it." Glimmer says exploding with anger, fear and pure despair.

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