Chapter 9: Captured

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~The next morning...~

We were up and about with Celebi as our leader again as it was guiding us through the forest.

"Bi!" it cried out a gleeful cheer.

"Looks like Celebi's doing much better now." Ash said.

"I agree." I smiled.

"Bi Bi!" Celebi flew to me and nuzzled my nose.

I giggled and wagged my tail. "My magical fairy."

"Aww." Mikey chuckled.

"Bi Bi!" Celebi flew around me.

I giggled and followed it. "Whoo!"

"Just like a kid." Akira chuckled.

I laughed as Celebi and I were playing together. But then my ears wiggled to something strange. It sounded like... robotic parts. I gasped, "Celebi look out!"

A robotic arm was aiming for Celebi! But it dodged it just in time.

"It's the hunter!" Leo said as he took out his swords.

"Ha! Thought you'd gotten rid of us... didn't you, twerps?" Jessie said as she and her boys got nets.

"But Team Rocket doesn't give up so easily!" James laughed.

"Not you again." Ash got angry.

Before we knew it, the hunter and Team Rocket surrounded us.

"All right... we ain't leaving without that Celebi." the Pokemon named Meowth said.

"Ha! As if!" I growled at him.

"And we also want them Squirtles with the weapons too!"

"Do you think I'm a Squirtle?! Not!" Raph growled.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu used thunderbolt to try to pursue the robot the hunter was on, but it failed.

"Nice try!" the hunter laughed and knocked down the tree which caught us off guard.

"Look out!" Leo warned us as he and the others brought Ash and his friends to safety.

I was about to reach out for Celebi, but the hunter's robotic arm caught it. "No, Celebi!" I cried out.

"Ha. This ought to calm you down." the hunter said to it and then shocked it with some electricity.

"BIIIII!!!!" it cried out in pain.

"No!" I cried out desperately.

"Hey!" Ash ran out, but I dragged him back before the robotic arm knocked down another tree.

The robot arm threw up an unconscious Celebi up into the air. And then he took out a black ball. "Dark Ball, go!" he said as he throw it right at Celebi and it went into the ball.

"No!" I gasped out in horror and the others were in shock too.

"Celebi is mine." the hunter chuckled.

I didn't know what I was thinking. Inside my body, my blood was boiling and my fur went all the way straight up. "Grr!!!" I growled my loudest growl.

"Let it go!" Ash ran towards the robot arm and climbed at it.

"Rah!" I ran behind him and climbed up as well.

"Stupid kids." the hunter laughed. But then he got attacked by a flock of Pidgey.

"I'll take it from here!" Ash said as he also attacked the hunter. But the hunter's robot was flailing.

"Whoa!" I lost my grip and landed on the ground.

"Watch it!" Donnie pulled me out of the way.

We were watching Ash and the hunter struggling. Ash was trying to get the ball back that captured Celebi. But the struggle ended after the robot tripped over the fallen tree. Ash fell overboard and he had the ball in his hands.

"Ash!" I cried out and ran over to him. I helped him up. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm okay." he said as he looked down at the dark ball containing our fairy friend. "Don't worry. We gotcha."

I placed the dark ball into my chest fur. "We gotcha Celebi. And we'll get you out."

Ash gasped. "Look out!"

I looked back and gasped as the robot arm was about to grab Ash. "Watch it!" I got in front of him and the arm grabbed me pretty hard. "Ahh!"

"Aqua!" Ash held onto my hands. "Hold on!"

"Ahh!" I cried out in pain.

"Sis!" Akira and the others ran over to aid Ash in setting me free.

"I think that Dark Ball you have belongs to me." the hunter said as he was tugging and gripping onto me tighter.

"Guys!" I struggled to breathe.

"Hold on!" Leo got his swords and tried to penetrate through the arm, but it was no use.

I felt my hands slipping through Ash's hands and then we stopped holding on. "No!" I cried out and met myself face to face with the hunter. I growled at him. "What do you want with Celebi?!"

"I want it to be my strongest Pokemon yet." he said as he snatched up the dark ball from my chest fur. "And maybe I'll take you with me. You look a lot more valuable than Celebi mixed in together."

I struggled to set myself free. "Let go of me!"

"This might help~" the hunter pressed a button and laughed.

I felt the electricity sparking throughout my body. "Ahh!" I screamed out and passed out to the pain.

~Akira's POV~

"No sis!" I was horrified to see what the hunter did to my big sister.

"If you value this life, you'll let me go." the hunter said as he dangled my unconscious sister's body.

"Okay, just let her go! Please!" I cried out.

"Fine." he chuckled and used his robot arm to drop my sister right in front of me.

"Aqua!" Leo ran past me and up to her.

"Sis!" I ran over to her. "Move it fearless!" I shoved Leo out of the way. "Sis! Sis! Wake up!" I shook her. "Don't you start dying on me now like I lost mom and my siblings!" I said as I slapped her cheek pretty hard.

Raph gasped. "Akira!"

"Why did you do that?" Mikey covered his mouth.

I looked back at the others who were shocked for what I did to her. "I-I didn't mean to! I just don't wanna lose her." I looked away from them.

"Let me see." Donnie felt for her pulse rate. "She's okay."

I sighed in relief. "Thank god." But just then, I saw all the Pokemon of the forest coming over to see what was going on and to see if they can pursue the hunter now that his robot was damaged.

"Don't waste your time. It's too late to save your friend Celebi. Because the sweet little Pokemon you used to know... doesn't exist anymore. Here, see for yourself!" the hunter said as he threw the dark ball up in the air. Celebi came out of the ball and was by his side. "Celebi, get rid of them all!"

Celebi commanded the hunter and was destroying everything in its path. It was a horrible sight to witness. That a sweet Pokemon like Celebi could turn so evil due to the work of the hunter.

"Excellent. You're very strong, Celebi. Now show me even more of your power!" the hunter commanded Celebi.

As we watched, Celebi was taking all of the trees and branches and it was surrounding it, almost like it was making a shield for itself.

The hunter laughed. "With a Pokemon like you, no one will ever stop me!"

"Celebi!" I cried out its name.

"It's no good guys. We better retreat now!" Leo said as he carried Aqua.

I nodded. "Let's go." I said as we ran to a safe haven deep into the now destroyed forest.

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