My Youth/You're Irreplacable

Start from the beginning

Chenle and Jisung sat next to each other without any thought, as it was more normal for them to always sit beside each other than not. While they were watching the movie Chenle sighed and rested his head on Jisung's shoulder, the exhaustion of the game finally catching up to him. Jisung hesitated to do anything at first, but ultimately decided to relax and lean into the touch, adjusting his position to wrap an arm around Chenle and pressing him against his own chest.

The movie played on, the two boys paying no mind at this point. Chenle was trying to focus on the movie, but really couldn't. Jisung made him nervous, and has for a long time now. Not enough for him to be awkward around him, but enough for him to eternally panic everytime they touch. He knew what that meant, but didn't want to even go there because he knew for a fact that Jisung would only date a girl. He didn't want to think about being rejected by his favourite person, so he kept it this way- the easier way because at least this way he could be next to Jisung.

"Chenle," Jisung suddenly whispered, his eyes focused on the T.V. instead of Chenle like normal. Chenle looked up, his head moving from his shoulder slightly to be able to look at the side of Jisung's face. He thought he was seeing Jisung's face heat up, becoming a more vibrant red, but he could also blame it on the T.V. screen and the lights.

"Um, happy birthday." Jisung finally said. "Since I'm the winner of the game, can I do something?" He asked quietly, Chenle leaning his head back on the boy's shoulder to avoid being spotted with this unhideable smile on his face.

"What is it? You did win after all." Chenle whispered back. Suddenly his right hand was being taken by Jisung, and a second later their fingers were intertwined. Chenle turned his face away from Jisung to hide the blush that was forming on his cheeks. Jisung smiled cluelessly and looked back to the screen. Chenle had a million thoughts running through his head, some of them being this was obviously romantic, friends don't do this', the other half chanting 'Jisung is straight' and telling him to let go of his hand. Regardless, Chenle decided to ignore both voices and enjoy his birthday and try not to have an internal crisis. He was going fine, finally steadying his racing heartbeat. Then a sudden scene on the screen made Jisung yelp and jump up surprised burying his head into Chenle's neck, Chenle didn't know why Jisung chose an action movie when he HATES them. Soon came the cake which all the children engorged themselves including Chenle's parents.

ONe the movie ended and the credits were rolling, everyone started to leave one by one, saying their "happy birthday!"s and "see you!"s as they left. Eventually, when the last person left, Chenle shut the door and quickly flipped his head to the last boy remaining on his couch. Jisung. Suddenly, Chenle's parents came down the stairs calling to him in Chinese. When Chenle saw them, he noticed the fancy styled clothing they were both wearing.

"Our baby is all grown up! 17 years old, would you look at him?" His mom gushed over her son switching to Korean this time, Chenle assumed because of Jisung being present and only knowing basic Chinese. His dad stood behind his wife, arms crossed smiling at what his son had become. Jisung smiled hearing the wholesome conversation between the Zhongs, knowing how close the family was compared to many, and how much his parents loved Chenle. Jisung looked at Mrs. Zhong pinched her son's cheek making Chenle smile and laugh at his mothers actions.

"Jisung, you're staying overnight right?" Mr. Zhong asked, Jisung nodded his head- him and Chenle already silently agreed beforehand.

"Yes sir." he replied slightly quietly, and Mr. Zhong laughed in return and grabbed his and his wife's coat out of the wardrobe.

"Chenle darling, your dad and I sadly have a banquet to attend to. Don't let Jisung near any stoves. Love you guys!" Chenle's mom spoke calmly while opening the door and slowly stepping through it. The second the door clicked shut, Jisung got off the couch and stood in front of Chenle towering over his best friend. Chenle looked up at Jisung with doe eyes smiling.

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