11. Are You Free? ...We're Going Out

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/ Krist Perawat got himself a boyfriend at the end of the year. /


[ One day before Starlympic ]

"Ya, how am I? Is my form good? You think I'm ready for the game tomorrow?"

Luke turned, pausing in cleaning the shoes and basketball that would be used for the big match the next day. The voice belonged to the boy with chestnut hair, his favorite person that he has become close after The Jungle.

Luke and his love for sports are well-known among GMMTV fans and nonfans as well. The sporty trio in the company includes Joss, Gawin, and him... but those two were in the opponent team this time, he could not practice with them. He didn't feel sad though, instead playing with new people made him realize that the camp actually had a lot of sports talents. 

Since his strength was basketball, he's became the leader of the basketball team. 

However, he got one small problem.

The chestnut hair was named, Krist. Despite his young look and small figure, he was one of the biggest seniors in GMMTV. He was an all-rounded artist but not really a good athlete. Luke had seen him practicing hard for the futsal match and then rushing to the studio to prepare for the concert with others. So Luke decided to personally teach the boy play futsal twice a week till Starlympic happened. 

He hadn't ever regretted it either.

Krist listened well, never gave up, and had a great determination... just whiny a bit. He was hard-working, he worked so hard that no one knew he actually had countless schedules before each futsal practice session. It was a shame that he hadn't had much interest in playing sports. Luke had a feeling that Krist would have been a great futsal player.

Originally the coach nominated Krist to be the pivot - the main individual that leads the attack, but after getting informed about all the positions, Krist wanted to be the defender because he was good at communication. As a leader of futsal team, he should get messages across to other players and help organize the team.

Luke smiled at the small creature that reminded him of a kitten since he was always cute and whiny. He put the shoes into the box resting on the wooden bench he was sitting on behind the futsal goal.

"You were great. That's enough practice though. You'll injure yourself at this rate. Your leg needs to be in good condition to deal with the attack of the other team tomorrow."

"You think I could?" Krist asked with his eyes sparkling.

"I think you definitely can. As long as you don't get nervous." Luke nodded.

"Oh...I can try but no guarantees..." The small guy scratched his neck with a sheepish grin, his fluffy cheeks lightly painted coral.

Luke admired his face and smirked. He couldn't help teasing the other when he acted cute, which was every other minute. Krist looked cool when he was seriously practicing, but when he was not focused, he seemed like a total baby. 

Krist was actually this strange mix of cute and sexy - he had a handsome face but his expressions were adorable.

"Why would you get nervous? You've practiced several weeks now and your skills are getting better. You're almost as good as Fourth. You get praises from the coach and the team members as well. There's no reason to be nervous. You should be excited instead."

"But...it's different. When you watch from the sidelines..." Krist suddenly stopped

"Huh? What?" Luke was confused.

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