Prologue: Welcome Students

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This is where this morbid story began.

At a school called Hopes Peak High.

A place where talented students go to learn more about themselves.

But... This is different than others would expect.

Where students would be forced into despair.

During The Tragedy, some students were able to still stay in their classrooms.

But, once I entered the school during this time.

I couldn't remember anything else that happened after that.

My name is Travis Neresa, and I was given the title of the Ultimate Gaming Prodigy.

I had eventually woken up, but in a very dark area with slits of lights before me.

Was I in a locker?

I pushed up against the wall in front of me.

After I started to push against the wall, I had suddenly fallen onto the ground.

I quickly shot myself off of the ground and started to observe the area.

It seemed that I was in a locker room, but there wasn't anyone else.

How did I even get into the locker in the first place?

I continued to further investigate my surroundings.

Until I suddenly heard a shaking noise coming from another locker.

I was perplexed.

Was there another person in here with me?

"Where am I?" Yelled a feminine voice coming from inside the locker.

"I'll help you get out!" I shouted as I started to pull open the locker.

Once it had eventually opened, a girl with brown hair and glasses came falling out onto the floor.

"Owwwww." She groaned.

"Do you need help?" I had asked her.

"Physically or emotionally. But neither." She answered as she got up on her feet.

The two of us then stood in silence for a brief moment.

"So... any idea on where we are?" She asked.

"No, not at all. But since you and I both came out of lockers. Does it mean that there are others in lockers as well?" I exclaimed as I looked at each of the lockers.

Many of them seemed to be open, while the rest remained shut.

The two of us counted each of the lockers, including the ones we were in.

"Fifteen lockers are open, including ours." The girl had concluded.

I agreed with her.

"By the way, what's your name?" The girl had asked me.

"Oh! I'm Travis Neresa, and I'm the Ultimate Gaming Prodigy." I spoke.

"Well I'm River Ilbay, I'm the Ultimate Softball Star." She replied.

"I didn't know softball could be so competitive." I said to her,

"Oh it can be, and I'm literal proof of that." She said with confidence.

"Maybe we should check around the other areas if there are any." I exclaimed.

"Agreed." She replied.

As the two of us started walking, another locker started to vigorously shake.

Danganronpa: Suffering StudentsWhere stories live. Discover now