Godzilla Part 2

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A few hours later, everyone gathered around Godzilla's remains. Mario watched on as they all celebrated. Grodus and Crump analyzed the dead king.

Crump: Look at it....to think we wasted years for the answer, when it was in front of us.

Grodus: I know. (Looks at a silver piece) Don't worry, my little girl....you've been avenged...we've been avenged....

E. Gadd then approaches Mario and Luigi, both of them still recovering.

E. Gadd: Well, we did it, Captain.

Mario: Mhm.

Peach: It was a crazy plan.

Bowser: Eh, barely. Although, it was a nice way to end the G-Man's life.

Mario: Just one thing. What was Godzilla? How was he able to live for so long?

Luigi: Well, we'll probably never know. Although, what do we do with the other Kaiju? Kill them like we did before?

Bowser: Probably.

E. Gadd: About your question, Captain, but I think this was a different Godzilla from the one that drove us away.

Mario: How do you know that?

Bowser: Yeah, his appearance and abilities were all the same. That was Godzilla, no question.

E. Gadd: See, that's what I mean. Life is defined by change. It's almost impossible to have the same appearance after that long, even 20,000 years.

Peach: Ok, so what is this one we killed.

E. Gadd: Well....maybe this one was some sort of Godzillasaurus that evolved into a form resembling Godzilla. I mean, that's the only answer I could give. Although, it raises the question on why there was only two Godzillasauruses roaming earth. Which means-

Mario: There's probably another one out there?

Luigi: Fuck, and I thought we were gonna celebrate!

Mario: It's fine. Even if another one shows up, we proved that defeating a Godzilla is possible, as long as there's a strategy. 

E. Gadd: Yeah, but I'd rather avoid another harrowing battle in the future.

Bowser: Who said you would be in it?

E. Gadd: (softly hits Bowser) Rhetorical sentence, Bowser.

Yoshi: (giggles) But hey, at least it's easier, am I rig-Whoa!

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