W2S-Jersey Vs Guernsey

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"I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about," Emily protested. 

"Just don't expect him to make a move, he's more awkward around people than you are." 

Chris was right, Emily hated it when he was right. There were a few times Harry would travel to Jersey to film and every time Harry and Emily talked and got on well, outside of that there was the odd social media comment here but that was it. It was almost like out of sight out of mind for the pair of them, except both of their minds often wandered to thinking about the other, wondering what they were doing at that very moment.

Life always took strange turns. After working for a couple of years in Jersey but not getting anywhere, Emily decided to go to university. She ended up in Manchester and stayed in halls for the first year, the girl in the room opposite her was a lovely girl called Rosie and the two hit it off right away. Both immediately bonding over being island girls. 

"What are your plans for this evening?" Emily asked tying up her now chest length hair into a high pony tail. 

"Oh doing something with my brother," Rosie replied painting her little nail. 

"Older or younger?" 

"Older. He does Youtube so I need to film a video, although I get to spend a certain amount of money in ten minutes so I get something out of it," Rosie replied looking up at Emily who was studying Rosie closely.

"Rosie LEWIS, Oh my God I know your brother!" Emily couldn't believe it, out of a city of nearly three million people she was living opposite Harry's sister.

"You and about ten million other people," Rosie replied sadly. 

"No not like that. Rosie my last name is Dixon, I come from Jersey, I have a brother called Chris..."

"How the hell have I not connected the dots before??" Rosie screamed and the girls laughed. 

"I know same here! Finally someone to talk to about how it's not always amazing having a Youtuber for a brother!" Emily cried. She loved Chris dearly, although she rarely told him that. It was hard for Emily to make friends anyway but it was even more difficult when you weren't sure if people were genuine or using you for your connections. 

"Hi Rosie. We're just waiting for Josh then we'll get started," Harry said staring at his phone as his sister joined the call. 

"Okay, Harry I just wanted you to say hello to my flatmate and friend Emily real quick." 

"Kay," Harry didn't even look up from his phone when he spoke. When Emily looked at the screen she smiled, Harry looked more grown up but was as handsome as ever, he also had broadened out a little she noticed, it was hard not to. 

"Long time no see," she managed to choke out, feeling like an eighteen year old again. 

"Emily! Wow what are you doing here?" Harry's face beamed into a smile.

"I live here!"

The pair caught up while they waited for Josh to arrive and for some time afterwards. There was a swap of numbers and a promise to catch up soon but as usual saying it was a lot easier than doing it for the pair of them. 

When lockdown happened Emily found herself back in Jersey. This was when Chris made his now iconic videos with Stephen, Will and finally Harry. When filming was finished often Emily found herself in Chris's room talking to Harry as her older brother went to find his girlfriend Shannon. 

"When this is all over we'll have to meet up," Harry suggested. 

"Yeah sure," Emily replied, her tone a little more sarcastic than she would have liked. 

"That sounds like you don't want to," Harry replied defeatest in tone.

"No it's not that. It's just every time we say we're going to do something or meet up or keep in touch it just never happens." 

"Well let's stick to it this time." 

They didn't stick to it. The next time Harry and Emily saw each other was at Chris and Emily's birthday party. Since it was her birthday Emily was talking to quite a few people here and there, so much so that she hadn't got to say hello to Harry yet. He was miffed, hoping he hadn't upset by saying they'd meet up but never doing it. He didn't know why he found it so hard.

"Long time again," Harry said awkwardly as Emily ended up next to him at the bar. The party was in a bar and they had a section off just for them, something Harry was glad of, he wasn't a fan of bumping into people who recognised him. 

"I know. How have you been?" Emily asked moving her hair behind her hair, she would have fiddling with her glasses if she wasn't wearing contacts. 

"Good. H..ha..happy birthday," he stuttered out before giving Emily a side hug. It was slightly awkward, mostly due to their positioning but the pair still electricity from the touch. 

"What can I get you?" The bored bartender asked Emily. 

"Rum and coke please," she answered, Harry then chipped in. 

"I'll get these, a pint of Moretti as well please mate," 

"Are you sure?" Emily asked Harry looking into those blue eyes she loved so much. 

"It's your birthday! And me making up for not keeping my promises. 

"Chris I think Harry is coming onto your sister," George commented on seeing the two clink their glasses once they were served. 

"About fucking time," the small man slurred back. At first when he had noticed he wasn't that thrilled about it but as time went on and the crushes didn't fade it didn't bother him anymore, he assumed it was genuine. 

The Dixon's didn't handle their alcohol well, Emily was only marginally better than her older brother but that wasn't saying much. At one point in the evening as she staggered back from the toilets to the group she tripped but luckily she was stopped from falling by a pair of very strong arms. 

"The last thing we need if you smashing that lovely face open," Harry said. Although not as drunk as everyone and not visibly drunk he had some drinks which gave him some Dutch courage. Emily giggled at the words but blushed again when she realised Harry was still holding her. 

"Bet you say that to all the girls," she replied cheesily. 

"No I am shit with women," Harry admitted, darting his eyes from Emily's green ones to her lips.

"Well you certainly made an impression on me all those years ago, in fact you still do," Emily whispered. The alcohol giving her the confidence to go on her tiptoes as her and Harry leaned in, closing their eyes as their lips finally touched. 

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