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Me and Jackie walked into the house. The first thing i saw was Cole Isaac and Danny screaming over a video game. Jackie shot a dirty look to Cole. Suddenly Lee came out of nowhere.
S:"shit Lee i almost had an heartattack." He just smirked at me and walked over to them. The boys continued the video game completly ignoring us. We walked to the kitchen where we saw Nathan placing plates on table. He really was kind.
K:"oh there you guys are! How was your day?"
J:"it was okay." Jackie said.
S:"we met some nice people."
K:"oh good."
J:"oh we brought this." Jackie said and i handed Katherine a bag with ice cream.
K:"thank you. I am gonna hide that in freezer. Don't tell anyone it's there. It's just for us."
G:"i heard that ." George said. I chuckled a bit.
S:"how's Bo?"
K:"oh he is doing great actually. I think he is gonna be up in no time. Thanks for asking."
S:"mhm." I said and then me and Jackie went upstairs. We put down our bags.
J:"i just wanted to say thank you for standing up for me. It was good to see your old self again."
S:"it was what i had to do. No one is going to talk to my big sister like that." I said and smiled at her.
J:"i missed your smile." I hugged her.
G:"dinner's ready!" George yelled from downstairs.
J:"let's go." Jackie said and i followed her downstairs."
J:"can we help?" Jackie asked Katherine.
K:"no thanks just have a seat." Jackie wanted to sit next to Benny.
P:"that's my seat." Parker said.
J:"oh sorry." She then went to another seat but Jordan sat there.
K:"Jordan go grab another chair." Jackie then sat on that chair. I luckly found a free seat. It was next to Isaac and Jackie.
I:"what chica missed my beautiful face? Because i surely missed yours."
S:"no there was just not another seat left. If there was i would gladly sit somewhere else." I said and i sarcasticly smiled.
K:"okay Bon apetít." Katherine said handing me and Jackie a plate of food.
J:"thank you." We said. Suddenly Jackie screamed. She was holding a snake and she dropped all her food on her shirt and then it fell to the ground. The boys started to laugh. Jordan went to get the snake. "Rumple!" He shouted.
K:"oh my god! Can i help you?"
J:"no it's fine! I am fine!" Jackie said as she went upstairs.
S:"you guys are actually stupid." I said as i went upstairs to help Jackie.
S:"hey let me help you." I said as i helped her clean the shirt. She teared up.
S:"it was her shirt wasn't it?"
J:"it was." She said. She was wearing our sister's shirt. I hugged her.
J:"i am gonna shower." She said and went to the bathroom.Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
S:"who is it?" I asked.
C:"it's just me i brought you guys dinner." Cole said. I opened the door. He placed it on our cabinet.
C:"hey i am really sorry about how they acted. I hope Jackie is ok."
S:"who's snake was that?"
C:" Jordan's. His name is Rumple."
S:" any other dangerous animals i should know about?"
C:" just Isaac." We both chuckled. Jackie then came.
S:"Okay i am gonna go downstairs." I said as i left the two of them there. I went to the living room. I saw Isaac and Lee playing a video game.
S:" hey what are you guys playing?"
L:" a game why?"
S:" well i am bored can i try?" They looked at eachother.
I:"sorry chica but this isn't a game for girls."
S:" oh i think you guys are just scared that i girl will beat you."
L:"that's not true."
S:"okay then let's see."
L:"alright,Isaac give her the controller."
I:"what? No! You can give her the controller."
L:"Isaac!" Isaac looked at me.
I:"fine. You better win this chica." He said as he gave me the controller. He then told me what to do in the game.
I:"got it?"
S:"mhm." I said.
L:"alright we can start." I won againts Lee. I turned out that the game wasn't even complicated.
L:"that was just begginers luck." He said.
S:"sure it was." I said.
I:"give me the controller." He said to Lee.
I:"you may be better then Lee but let's see if you can beat me."
S:" okay i am down for beating you." I said.
I:"but let's make it a bet. If you win i won't pull any pranks on you in this house but if you loose you have to kiss me on the cheek."
S:"what? No!"
I:"come on don't be a pussy."
S:"alright fine." It was really close but he won.
I:"sorry hermosa but it was a close one. I have to admit that you play better then Lee."
I:"what it's true." I chuckled. Isaac looked at me.
I:"i am still waiting for the kiss."
S:"alright." I said as i kissed him on a cheek." He smiled at me.

WHY DID YOU CHOSE ME?/ Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now