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At lunch

At lunch i was trying to find Jackie. Then i finally spoted her. She was sitting with Cole and his friends. I didn't know where to sit. Suddenly i spoted Alex,Nathan and Danny at one table.
S:" hi uhm can i sit here?"
A:"yeah sure." Alex said.
D:"so how is your first day?"
S:"it's alright." Suddenly some woman aproched me.
T:"hey Sophie i am Tara Jacobs."
S:"uhmm hi?"
T:"can you come with me? I need to talk to you about something."
S:"ok." I was kinda scared to be honest. I didn't know who she was or what did she want.
T:"please have a seat." She said as we came to her office.
T:"so first of all i would like to welcome you in our school. I heard what happend to your parents and sister and i am really sorry about that. I just wanted to let you know that you can allways talk to me about it. I won't tell anyone."
S:"look if it's about this i am sorry but i don't want to talk to you about it. I am sick of people telling me that they are sorry and asking me if i am fine. Because i am not. What do you want to hear from me?! That i regret having a fight with my mum and not saying sorry for it? That she died thinking i hate her? Because if it's about this then sorry but i have a better things to do." I said as i stormed out of the room. I was crying so i decited to go outside and not to class. As i went outside i just sat on a side of a path and cried. Suddenly i felt someone side hugging me. It was Cole.
C:"hey you alright?"
S:"do i look alright?"
C:"yeah sorry that was a stupid question. Why aren't you in class?"
S:"i was with some Tara Jacobs i suppose that she is some psychologist. She asked me something about the acident and i just couldn't handle it."
C:"yeah i know her. I don't like her either she is allways telling me to high my grades up and stuff but she doesn't really know what i feel. What we feel." I felt some conection with Cole. It wasn't like a love conection but it was more like a brother sister conection. We just got eachother.
S:"what are you even doing here?"
C:"i just didn't feel like going to History class that's all."
S:"yeah i get it it's just boring why do we need it."
C:"right?! It's just stupid and a waste of time.". (sorry to people who love History class) Me and Cole both chuckled. It was the first time i felt like smiling since we got here. It felt great.Suddenly we heard the bell ring.
S:"i gotta go meet Jackie."
C:"alright then it was nice talking to you. Oh and btw we are leaving at 14:30 don't be late or you will walk home."
S:"ok." I said as i went inside trying to find Jackie. I couldn't find her. I spotted Isaac and Lee so i went to ask them if they saw her.
S:"uhm guys have you seen Jackie? I can't find her anywhere."
L:"yeah i think i saw her near the toilets with Grace and Skyler."
S:"okay thank you ."
I:"why weren't you in class?" He said. He seemed worried.
S:"i just didn't feel well."
I:"oh okay." I then went to find Jackie. I finally spoted her.
S:"hey Jackie and uhm..."
G:"i am Grace and this is Skylar. You must be Sophia right?"
S:"yeah that's me it's really nice to meet you."
Sk:"it's really nice to meet you too."
We talked for a while. Grace and Skyler were really nice. I liked them.
J:"wait what time is it?" Jackie suddenly asked.
Sk:"14:35 why?"
G:"what's wrong?"
J:"Cole said that if we won't be on the parking lot at 14:30 we will be walking home."
S:"we gotta go." We then ran on to the parking lot. Just then i saw the car leaving.
J:"what are we going to do now?"
G:"i can give you guys a ride."
J:"that would be great thanks."
G:"yeah no problem." We started walking to Grace's car.
Sk:"oh no." Skylar said.
G:"just keep going keep going."
E:"hey!" Some girl aproched us.
E:"Jackie right?" She talked to my sister.
J:"yeah. Hi Erin?"
E:"mhm. Look i don't know who you think you are or whatever ,but just so you know,Cole is only being nice to you cause his mom told him to.
Sk:"yeah. Sounds like a classic Cole."
E:"Trust me,Cole likes his girls a lot less vanilla then Miss J. Crew over here.
J:"it's Ralph Lauren."
Sk:"what happend to woman solidarity?" We all looked at him.
J:"i don't know what the problem is. I am not interested in Cole and he is not Interested in me either. Like you said he was just being nice."
E:"just watch it. I am not buying this Little Orphan Annie act." As she said that i've had it.
E:"whatever." She started to leave but i had one thing that i had to tell her because noone is going to talk to my sister like that.
S:"Erin?" She turned around.
S:"i love your bag. It looks almost authentic."
E:"it is authentic."
S:"no i don't think so. Our mum designed a range for that brand. The leather is too thin and the logo should be stitched on the inside,not printed. Shall we check?" She then just left.
J:"thanks." Jackie said as she hugged me. We then went to Grace's car.
G:"oh my god."
Sk:"can you beleave it?"
G:"that was insane!"
Sk:"yeah and Jackie you were like it's Ralph Lauren."
G:"yeah and Soph you were like is it authentic. I am like hello?!"
Sk:"yeah i think you guys actually deserve ice cream after this."
G:"yeah let's go to Monty's."
J:"sure i am down for ice cream."
S:"i am down too."
G:"okay then let's go."

Sk:"don't forget the ice cream."
Sk:"okay have a good night."
S:"thanks for the ride."
G:"yeah yeah. Wich Room is Cole's?"
Sk:"Grace cut it out. Bye girls."
G:"yeah have a good night with all those Walter boys."

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