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Sophia and Jackie were on the airport waiting for Katherine and George to pick them up. Sophia had no idea who they were or how they looked. The only thing she knew is that they were her moms friends. Jackie was talking on the phone with their uncle. Suddenly women and a man walked up to them. Sophia supposed that they were Katherine and George.
K:"hi girls." Katherine walked up to them and hugged them both.
K:"I am really happy to see you both and i am really sorry about what happend."
Jackie was the one first to spoke.
J:"it's alright i guess.... it's really nice to meet you both!" They both seemed really kind.
K:" and you must be Sophia right?"
S:" yes" sophia said quietly. She lost all her confidence after the incident.
G:"should we go?"
K:"yes let's go."

Sophia woke up on Jackie's shoulder.
J:"we are here Soph." Jackie said and smiled at her. Sophia slowly walked out of the car.
K:" okay let's go inside. I will intruduce you to everyone." Katherine said but suddenly her phone rang.
K:"sorry i have to take this." She said.
As they were walking inside a boy on skateboard almost crashed into them. Another boy was sitting on a couch.
D:"hi i am Danny!" He said. He seemed friendly.
J:"hi i am Jackie!"
S:"Sophia." She said. As they walked inside they saw a little boy running around.
G:"hey Benny stop running!" George said to the little boy."
G:"hey guys can you stop that for a second?" George asked two boys in the living room.
G:"Sophia,Jackie this is Alex and Isaac,guys this is Jackie and Sophia".
A:"whats up!" The first boy said. He had brown hair and light brown eyes. He was looking at Jackie mostly. Jackie just smiled at him.
G:"i got another back in the track go get it." George said to Alex.
A:"uhh yeah sure thing." Alex said as he went to get it. The second boy just sat there and looked at them He then smiled at Sophia.
G:"Isaac go help your brother with the backs."
I:"alright!" he said. He had black hair and brown eyes. He was pretty atractive. As they continued they saw Katherine still talking on a phone in the kitchen. She then handed them a limonade. As Sophia was looking around the kitchen she spotted a picture of Katherine and her mum.
S:"Jackie look." She said to her sister. Jackie came closer.
K:"girls i am really sorry but i have to go." Katherine said.
K:"oh Will is here,Jackie,Sophia this is Will,Will this is Jackie and Sophia. Will is the oldest".
W:"it's nice to meet you!"
K:"they already met Danny,Isaac,Alex and Benny."
K:"girls i am so sorry i promise i will be back as soon as possible."
J:"it's ok."
S:"i hope the dog is ok."
K:"thanks." She said as she left.
G:"girls i will be allways here somewhere." He said as he left to the backyard.
L:"uncle Georg wait for me!" The boy on the skateboard said as he followed George outside. Will then took them to meet the others. They went to  Nathan's Room. The boy was playing a guitar.
N:"hi it's finally nice to meet you!" He said as he pulled out a hand.
J:"Nice to meet you."
S:"nice to meet you." Will then took them outside. As they went outside they saw two little kids fighting one of them was a girl and the other one was Benny and some boy was filming them.
W:"hey everyone this is Jackie and Sophia!" Will said. The boy with the camera started recording them and waved. Sophia waved back.
W:" thats Parker and Benny." He said. Suddenly Sophia spoted a blonde boy going out of the pool. He then laid on the deck chair.
W:"wanna intruduce your selfs?" Will asked them.
C:"they should figure it out themselfes." The blonde boy said.
W:"thats Cole." Boy came running towards them and started recording them.
S:"uhm hi?"
W:"this is Jordan,the next film director. Leave them alone Jordan come on." Suddenly Sophia saw a dog going out of the pool. She loved animals.
W:"come on girls i will show you your rooms."

WHY DID YOU CHOSE ME?/ Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now