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Pov Kageyama

As i opened my eyes I felt a pressured weight clinging onto my side. My eyes traveled over only to see a sleeping red head. His cheek pushed into my side along with his arms draped around my waist, clenching onto me. My heart was pounding, I couldn't control myself so i shoved him unexpectedly and he flew off the bed. "GAHh", he yelped rubbing his eyes. I jumped and immediately looked over the bed to see him flopped on his back, glaring at me menacingly. "KageYAMA!", he yelled angrily as he launched at me punching me softly. "OKAY OKAY IM SORRY", I cried. While attempting to get him off of me i heard the door open and we both froze. It was my mother. "Uhhh...? Good morning!, my mom said before dashing out of my room slamming the door. I immediately rushed after her yelling it wasn't what she thought.

POV Hinata

After seeing kageyama rush after his mom I felt so embarrassed. I didn't even wanna leave the room like this. I peeked outside the room and walked out just to see them in the kitchen "arguing". His mother was yelling, "DIDNT I SAY WAIT UNTIL UR 18 SIR". Kageyama shouts for the 30th time, "it isn't LIKE THAT MOM", "BESIDES I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND", he sighed and looked away. "Oh, I forgot about her sweetie, sorry", as she put her hands together. My heart dropped a little, wanting to ignore it i shook it off and walked into the kitchen and they both turned to me. "Hi", I muttered quickly. His mom walked over to me saying how "cute" I was, patting my head. I was getting a little annoyed but dealt with it. We exchanged names and soon after she was cooking us breakfast. After eating kageyama told me to follow him outside. When we went he said, "sorry about my mom". I shook my head saying, "its all good" chuckling a bit. But then he turned to me seriously,"sorry but this can't happen again, when you go home pretend it never happened", he said rubbing his neck. I felt a bit upset but i wasn't in a position to object, so i nodded. About a hour passed and I was riding back home, i waved bye to him but he just turned and walked back inside the house. I frowned, unsure why but continued to bike home.

*At school*

POV Kageyama
I was walking in the hallway to class with Kenzie and my mind was clouded with thoughts of Hinata. I didn't wanna be rude but, I had no choice but to act a little ignorant.  Im too mentally drained to be sucked into another friendship again only for it to be ruined. I didn't want that for Hinata, he's annoying but fun to be around. After class  I was going to buy milk from the vending machine but "he" came up to me and slammed me into it. dropping down at lease 5 boxes of milk. He looked at me angrily grabbing me by the collar. "What did I tell you", he yelled. I flinched and mumbled back. "SPEAK UP DAMMIT", he shouted while he gripped my collar tightly. "To Stay away from Kenzie..", I muttered as I looked down at the ground. "DAMN STRAIGHT, SO WHY ARE YOU STILL LINGERING AROUND HER AND HER ANGELIC PRESENCE", he said obsessively. "ANGELIC??? SHES HELL ITSELF!", I mocked back at him. He grunted and punched me, then slamming me on the ground. "Mock her again and your gone", he nagged after spitting on me. I was so pathetic. I hate that about myself. Honestly I hated everything about myself and my shitty life. I felt I deserved that punch thats why it didn't hurt as much. I don't know why I talked back. Maybe I wanted to get hit. I sighed to myself knowing class was starting soon but my body ached at each breath I took. I grabbed two boxes of milk, stuffed one in my pocket, drunk the other and sat in misery.

POV Hinata

During the passing period I got a bit thirsty so I
skipped down the hall to the vending machine, passing Kenzie on the way there. We exchanged glares and a breeze of hatred flooded the air. I shook it off and turned to get a drink when i saw a beat up Kageyama. I looked down and busted out laughing, he immediately flinched and look at me with a depressed grin. I stopped laughing and was a bit concerned. "S-sorry...", I said nervously. "Its fine, laugh all you want", he said playing with his fingers. Guilt struck down my spine as I saw his once fair clear skin covered in dirt and little bruises. I felt terrible like a truck hit me in the heart. "Im actually, sorry... what happened?", I muttered concerned and serious lowering down to his level. "Nothing, im fine, shouldn't you be going to clas-".

POV Kageyama

As the last word barely slipped out of my mouth I felt two small but rough hands cup my cheeks. The red head stared at me with a fierce but soft and caring look in his eyes holding my face. I stared back into his eyes, struck by his dark brown pupils. It was like I was looking into a black hole. "Ahh... sorry, habit.", he yelped as he jumped back. " tell me what happened", he demanded. I was still in shock, his hands were warm. I felt completely safe and secure. I shook my head. "Don't worry ill be fine, a few bandages should help", I smirked and replied. Hinata sighed and stood up. "If you say so, im gonna head to class now, bye bye!", he said and he did a short but sweet wave. I smiled to myself but then immediately stopped by slapping myself. Life is so unfair.

POV Hinata

After leaving Kageyama and entering
my classroom, I slid into my chair covered my face and slapped it with my palms, as blush crept onto my face. One for laughing at a Kageyama, TWO, most importantly, grabbing his face. What is actually wrong with me. And why did I say habit? I never do THAT, maybe my brain is just smart and used it as a cover, mhm yep. As i was thinking to myself I looked down and saw shoes in front of my desk. I shot up only to see a huge blond-haired boy with glasses.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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