Stitch to the Rescue

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Uma's POV

Lilo stops running and I sit beside her. I lick my injured paw as she cries. I meow and nudge her gently. As Stitch appears and we look at him. He hands her a photo and I see it's the one of us at the beach. The last family photo and it's burnt around the edges. "You ruined everything" she tells him. He looks thoughtful and grows two extra limbs, a pair of antennae and some weird spikes on his back. "You're one of them?" Lilo asks.

She then pushes him away from us. "Get out of here Stitch" she tells him. He looks at me.

'I am sorry' I tell him.  We hear something and turn to see a giant alien pointing a gun at us. Before we could do anything, he shots us and traps us in a net. I yowl in pain as I roll onto my bad leg.

Stitch tries to get us out as the net is picked up. I hear Nani calling for Lilo and I. I meow loudly pawing at the net with my claws. It was no use. I hear Nani scream in fright. She must of seen the alien carrying us. Suddenly we're dumped into a glass capsule and I yowl again as I land on my bad leg. Tears in my eyes, if it wasn't broken before. It is now.

We're attached to a back of a ship. The alien was not gentle about it. But Lilo held me close so I wouldn't hurt myself more. "There you go, all buckled up for the trip. And look I even caught you two little snacks" the alien says. I hiss baring my fangs. We try to look for a way out. Stitch manages to, but falls off as the ship takes off before he rescue us.

I whine in pain and Lilo hugs me close. "I'm scared Uma" she whimpers. I nuzzle her chin and she giggles. "That tickles" she tells me. I lick her chin. No matter what happens, I will protect her. We'll stick together, because that is what it means to be family. Nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

We watch the clouds as I hear the alien inside speaking to someone. It's a little hard to make to what he is saying though over the roars of the engines. Lilo picks up and family photo and cries hugging herself. I meow and nuzzle in between her arms. I purr, trying to comfort her. Not caring that she is wetting my fur with her tears.

I suddenly notice something red peaking through the clouds. I meow loudly and wiggle out of Lilo's arms. "What is is Uma?" she asks me. I meow and look at the large red ship that appears from below the clouds. Stitch appears in the window and waves at us. Lilo waves back.

I meow pawing the glass. We're getting saved. The ship banks to the left to fly along side ours. So that the alien piloting ours can see them. "We're gonna be ok Uma" Lilo tells me as she hugs me. Keeping a hold of the photo. I purr and lick her cheek.

The ship gets jostled a lot as it pursues the red one. Lilo keeps me close to prevent me from being hurt more. As she tries to keep us in place. Suddenly Stitch appears and I meow happily. Lilo to is very happy as Stitch starts to scratch the glass. I scratch from our side with my good front paw. But Lilo pulls me back.

Suddenly the engines are pointed at Stitch. Burning him and he falls off of the ship. "Stitch!" Lilo shouts as I meow his name loudly. I was just starting to like him. We fly close to the ground as see Stitch alive holding a frog. "Don't leave us, ok?!" Lilo asks him. I see him nod as we fly away.

Soon I see the volcano. I'd never seen it in person before. Only on TV or in photos. I see a truck had been driven into the lava. I hope Stitch has a better plan. Because him driving a truck into a volcano, does not seem like a good plan. "Stich!" Lilo shouts as the alien fires at him.

Suddenly there's a massive explosion below us. And I see something rocketing towards the ship. Focusing, I see it's Stitch. This time he succeeds in breaking the glass capsule and pulls us out as the ship starts to fall. "You came back" Lilo says and I lick his cheek in gratitude.

"Nobody gets left behind" he states. She kisses his nose and he jumps off of the ship. As it explodes and lands on the red one. As we are covered by smoke.

"Lilo! Uma!" I hear Nani shout. I meow loudly from Lilo's arms. As Stitch holds onto the ship and the mean alien.

"Good dog" Lilo praises him. We land in the water. Guess the ship took some damage. I see a familiar face and meow loudly. "David!" Lilo shouts.


Picture  above of Lilo and Uma trapped.

Uma's Ohana: Lilo and Stitch Fanfic (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now