Lilo's Wish

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Uma's POV

Nani and I just ate dinner. Now we are going to Lilo's room for her to give her some pizza. She knocks before entering the room. I see Lilo playing with her doll Scruff. I jump onto the bed. "Hey. I brought you some pizza, in case you were hungry" Nani tells her.

"We're a broken family, aren't we?" Lilo asks her sadly. Nani puts the plate on the night stand kneeling next to the bed.

"No. Maybe, a little. Maybe a lot. I shouldn't have yelled at you" Nani tells her.

"We're sisters. It's our job" Lilo tells her. I never yelled at my sisters before I was adopted. Though I did yell at my brother when he took my favourite ball of yawn.

"Yeah, well, from now on..." Nani starts to say.

"I like you better as a sister than a mom" Lilo tells her. Nani gives her a small smile resting her chin on her hands.

"Yeah?" she asks her in a gentle tone.

"And you like me better as a sister than a rabbit. Right?" Lilo asks sniffling. Nani gets onto the bed and pulls Lilo onto her lap.

"Yes. Yes, I do" Nani assures her.

"I hit Mertle Edmends today" Lilo admits.

"You hit her?" Nani asks her.

"Before I bit her" Lilo states.

"You bit her? Lilo, you shouldn't..." Nani starts to tell her.

"People treat me different" Lilo tells her sadly. I meow and rub my head against her hand. She pats me.

"They just don't know what to say" Nani tells her. "I'll tell you what. If you promise not to fight anymore. I promise not to yell at you, except on special occasions" she states.

"Tuesdays and bank holidays would be good" Lilo tells her.

"Yeah? Would that be good?" Nani asks tickling her with a chuckle. Lilo giggles. I smile at them. Lilo grabs her camera handing it to Nani.

"Oh! My camera's full again. Aren't they beautiful?" Lilo asks her. We all look at the photos on her wall. I don't know why she likes them so much. But if it makes her happy, I won't complain.

Suddenly the lights go off. I spot something out the window. I jump off the bed and went to the window seat. I meow. Lilo crawls out of her bed and joins me. She sees flying green ball shooting across the sky. "A falling star! I call it!" she shouts startling me.

She turns to Nani and starts to push her towards the door. "GET OUT!! GET OUT!! I HAVE TO MAKE A WISH!!" Lilo shouts. Nani barely moves, going very slowly as I trot in front of them. "Can't you go any faster?" she demands as they reach the threshold. I sit down watching them.

"Oh, no! Gravity is increasing on me!" Nani jokes leaning backwards. I let out a car chuckle. This happened yesterday.

"NO, IT'S NOT!!" Lilo shouts.

"Is too, Lilo. The same thing happened yesterday" Nani tells her. Then drops to the floor landing on poor Lilo.

"YOU ROTTEN SISTER, YOUR BUTT IS CRUSHING ME!!!" Lilo roars as she crawls out from under Nani. She gets free and stands next to her door. "WHY DO YOU ACT SO WEIRD?!" she demands. Before slamming the door on the back of Nani's head. Ouch.

Nani sits up rubbing her head. She then opens the door a crack. We watch Lilo kneel in front of her window with Scruff. "It's me again. I need someone to be my friend... someone who won't run away. Maybe send me an angel like Uma. The nicest angel you have" Lilo prays.

"Come on Uma" Nani tells me quietly. We go to the kitchen and she looks at the phone book. In deep thought and looks at the dog door that I use. She flips through the phone book and then grabs the phone dialing a number. "Aloha, I know it's late. My name is Nani Pelekai. I was wondering if my sister and I can come in tomorrow to look at adopting a pet" she states. I frown, they already have a pet. Me.

"Really? That's great, are any good with cats?" she asks the person. "Ok, we'll be there tomorrow morning. See you then" she states and hangs up. I meow pawing her hand. "Don't worry, I'm not replacing you" she says and scratches me behind the ear. Making me purr contently. "I was Lilo's age when I got my first pet. Which was a gold fish and lasted a week. Mum and Dad got you for me. I think Lilo is responsible enough for her own pet" she tells me.

I meow, not happy about it. "Don't worry, we won't love you any less" she assures me. "Remember, we are your ohana. Which means you won't be left behind or forgotten" she states. "Lets call it a night" she adds. We go to her room, after she made sure Lilo was in bed. I curl up on my pillow on her bed.

I pray this new pet won't make them forget me. They are my Ohana. I don't want to be left behind or forgotten by either of them. I don't know what I'd do if they did. Soon Nani joins me and we fall asleep. Mine a little restless.


Picture above of Nani with Lilo on her (Lilo's) bed and picture on the external link of the shooting star from Lilo's window.

Uma's Ohana: Lilo and Stitch Fanfic (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now