Chapter 2

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The Hashibira family would move into a brand new home in the suburbs, close to everything. Inosuke was quite excited about the monkey bars, swinging back and forth with Douma close by.

"Tou-san!" Inosuke would hold his hand as they walked back home, Kotoha most likely done with dinner.

"Yes, my little boar?" Douma smiled down at him, willing to pick up the pace when Inosuke began to tug.

"Can we get Kaa-san gift?" Douma tilts his head at that but smiles nonetheless.

"Of course we can! We can also go visit Santa and you can ask him what you want for Christmas." Inosuke stops his pulling and Douma halts with him. The man kneels and tries his son pouting.

"Inosuke-kun, What's with that face?" Inosuke crosses his arms and shakes his head.

"I don't want to talk to Santa! He hasn't given Kaa-san and me any gifts for Christmas!" Douma hums for a moment before nodding.

"Okay, Inosuke-kun, we won't visit Santa."

Douma kisses his wife that night as they lay in bed, snuggling up with only days from Christmas.

His wife was lovely and he wouldn't want to ruin it at all.

Instead, he wants to spoil their child for their first Christmas together.

His eyes twinkle as he brings her close.

"Kotoha-chan, I have a plan for Inosuke this year."

First came picking the tree.

Going through the selection was tasking but a good laugh from Douma and a gasp from Kotoha as Inosuke had found his way at the top of one of the tallest ones.

"Kaa-san! Tou-san! Can we get this one?"

Inosuke had leaned back, making the salesman helping them anxious. Kotoha was with him, worried that her son would hurt himself.

But no he held on enough for him to lean all the way into Douma's awaiting arms.

Then the tree whipped back up and it knocked the decorated tree next to it.

The salesman is left with an open mouth and a nervous Kotoha, only to hear Douma call them. They turn to see Douma holding Inosuke on his shoulders, Douma looking back as Inosuke plays with the top of another tree.

"Kotoha-chan! How about this one?"

Douma does pay for the damages and their tree came the next day. That evening, they went to the market, looking through the many shops and finding the perfect ornaments and lights for the tree.

 That evening, they went to the market, looking through the many shops and finding the perfect ornaments and lights for the tree

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They would take a short break, Douma buying hot cocoa for Inosuke. He and Kotoha make do with popcorn as they continue looking around.

It was a lovely evening.

Though Douma would sadly get called in for help at work even when he did schedule some time off this month.

When he returns home, bones weary and smile a bit tight, he comes to the sight of his two loves making a Christmas cake.

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