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Raghav watched his mother walk behind the bars as he stood outside the solitary walls, gripping back tears that were meant for his mother, he collapses down on his knees.

The mother, who should have been by his side, consoling him when he lost his father, became the very reason he felt orphaned. She was never truly his—never there for him. Instead, she only saw advantages in everything, even in his broken heart. To her, he was merely a robotic machine, bound to follow her every command.

His father, the one who genuinely loved and cared for him, attempted suicide because his mother took severally advantage of him to make herself stronger, just as she did with Raghav, using them both for her own ends.

As Raghav gathers concrete evidence against his mother's evil-minded  deeds. He manages to secure undeniable proof and hands it over to the authorities, exposing Mrs. Rao's wrongdoings and ensuring justice for Pallavi and others who were affected by his mother's manipulative ways.

The authorities swiftly act upon the evidence, and Mrs. Rao is taken into custody for her crimes, facing the consequences of her actions. Raghav feels a sense of closure and relief as justice is served, finally breaking free from his mother's suffocating influence.

You won't see me fall apart.

That day, after leaving his mother's room, Raghav didn't waste any time and moved out of that place with Pallavi, ensuring she felt comfortable wherever he took her.

Pallavi, despite her weakened mental state, starts to respond positively to Raghav's attempts to bridge the emotional depth between them.

When one of the maids, who had also been a target of Mrs. Rao, recorded a video showing her manipulating Raghav by saying false things about Pallavi and more, after watching it Pallavi attempted to rebuild her trust in Raghav."

He showers her with genuine love and unwavering support, gradually helping her overcome the trauma and pain inflicted upon her.

With time, Pallavi begins to heal. Raghav's persistent efforts to rebuild their relationship, filled with heartwarming gestures and sincere affection, reignite the spark between them.

Raghav stood by the window, gazing out at the evening sky as the warm hues of the sunset painted the horizon. Pallavi sat on the nearby couch, lost in thought, her fingers absently tracing patterns on the fabric. The air was thick with unspoken emotions, a silent understanding lingering between them.

"Raghav..." Pallavi's voice was barely a whisper, breaking the heavy silence that enveloped the room.

He turned to her, his eyes softening at the sight of her vulnerability. Moving closer, he sat beside her, his hand slowly reaching for hers.

"Pallavi, I know words can't undo the pain I've caused you. But I'm here, always. I'm committed to making things right, to help you heal," Raghav spoke sincerely, his eyes reflecting his remorse.

Pallavi met his gaze, tears glistening in her eyes. "I want to believe you, Raghav. It's just... the wounds are still fresh," she confessed, her voice trembling.

He gently wiped away her tears, his touch delicate yet filled with unspoken reassurance. "I understand. Let me be there for you, to support you in every way I can," he promised, his voice tender.

Their eyes locked, conveying a silent understanding and a longing for reunion. Slowly, Pallavi leaned into Raghav's embrace, seeking comfort in his warmth. He held her gently, wrapping his arms around her, offering the comfort she desperately needed.

"I've missed this," Pallavi murmured softly, her voice muffled against his chest, finding relief in the familiarity of his presence.

"Me too," Raghav admitted, his heart swelling with a mix of regret and determination to make things right.

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