Deep In The Past

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That day, I was rushing for my class but I couldn't seem to find the classroom. Why was the school so big?

Soon, I found myself in the 11th Graders' wing. Collapsing on a bench in tiredness, I facepalmed myself and lay my head down on the table. But suddenly, a shadow loomed over me.

"You must be lost," the stranger's charming voice rang like melodic music in my ears.

I looked up. The boy in front of me had dark blue hair, just as dark as his jeans. It was messy and yet so artfully stylish at the same time. A few strands were scattered loosely at the back, flying around playfully in the breeze. As the boy casually munched on some popcorn, he extended a suntanned hand to me and asked, "Need some help?"

Trying not to notice his bulging muscles, I shoved all thoughts about his rugged handsomeness away from my mind and asked, "Are you Fang, the movie star?"

The boy blushed. I took it as a guarantee that he was Fang.

"I...I'm Bibi," I found myself stammering as I stared at his black eyes. They shone with kindness and gentleness, but some sort of mystery was melded with the two. I nearly fell over when his musical voice chimed again, "I know. You're the one from Retropolis, aren't you?"

I instantly knew that he didn't like me. Not even as a person. Just like all the other Brawltopians.

But I was proven wrong, by the beautiful smile that carved into his face. Blushing deep red, I mumbled, "I am."

"Well, I'll take you back to your wing," Fang smiled as he held my hand.

I distracted myself from the fact that he was holding my hand by asking, "Aren't you supposed to be at lessons now?"

"Well, my biology teacher's got a crush on me, so I ditched because I didn't want to be trapped on there for three hours with her," Fang admitted.

The typical, handsome bad boy, I thought for a second before trying to find a way to mentally smack myself. But I couldn't help but mumble, "Well, a lot of people call you handsome. And from you helping me, I know that you're kind."

Fang blushed even deeper red than I had just a minute ago; he changed the subject quickly by saying, "It's sad that everyone is prejudiced against you. I for one have no idea why. Just because you're from Retropolis doesn't mean you should be treated like a second-class citizen."

Finally. Someone who understood.

Bibi x Sandy : Nobody Can SeeWhere stories live. Discover now