Professor McGonagall looked wholly unconvinced.

"But it's certainly out of the ordinary for Barty to take time off of work, I don't even recall the last time he's taken 'sick leave' before now. How serious must it be for him to be home-bound? I certainly think the Ministry should be more concerned by this."

Bagman was having none of it. He shook his head at her.

"Don't worry yourself, Minerva. Barty is fine, as is Bertha Jorkins. Both will turn up eventually. I think it is time we both got some sleep, direct me to the Floo, would you, Professor?" Bagman said, essentially ending the discussion.

"Certainly." McGonagall replied stiffly, exiting the classroom with a harassed expression. Bagman followed her close behind.

As they turned the corner at the end of the corridor, Harry released a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding.

Crouch had gone missing. That was news to him. Harry had known this would happen at around this time, yet it was still unexpected. That would mean Crouch Sr was currently under the Imperius Curse, controlled by Crouch Jr. Harry wasn't quite sure how this information was useful, but he felt it was good to know anyways.

If anything, this meant that Crouch Jr still intended to follow the plan from 'the Good Old Days', as he was repeating the same actions as last time. It doesn't explain, however, why he would've taken Harry's blood early - if he planned to get Harry to the Graveyard, why would he get the blood now? Why would it even be different from the original timeline anyways? Harry didn't know. But whatever the reason was, he felt sure that it wasn't anything good.

Feeling uncertain about future prospects, Harry fell into a fitful sleep. He only hoped that tomorrow would be easy, and he could tell Draco what he'd heard the next afternoon.


Draco awoke to Blaise shaking his shoulder roughly.

"Uuhg- what?" He said tiredly, yawning as he turned to face his harasser.

Blaise looked upon him disapprovingly, "Snape wants you."

Draco sat up at that.


Blaise rolled his eyes, "Snape wants you."

"Snape wants me?" Draco asked incredulously.

"Yes, that's what I just said."


"Yes, now."

Draco was extremely alarmed.

"But- but why? Has something happened?"

Blaise shrugged, "Don't know. Can't be too bad or he'd have come up here himself. Let me know once you get back what it was, will you?"

Draco shook his head to straighten out his flattened hair, getting out of bed to change hastily, "Uh, okay. But I still don't understand. How do you know he wants me? And why didn't he just tell you what it was?"

Blaise shrugged again, "Don't know why he couldn't tell me, but I saw him when I went down to breakfast."

Draco scrunched his nose at that, pulling on one shirt sleeve, "It's a weekend, why are you getting breakfast at bloody 7am?"

Blaise flushed pink.

"No reason."

Draco's eyes widened.

"Hold on, there is an actual reason for it? Blaise!?" He said, a smirk forming on his tired face.

"No. There isn't any reason!" Blaise said defensively, turning redder by the second, "Anyways, your Potter boy was with him if that changes anything."

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