Star-Crossed Lovers

Start from the beginning

"Oh, dear, do forgive my misbehaviour, your majesty." Draco drawled back.

Harry giggled, returning to his usual voice, "Apology accepted. Although, I expect excellent servitude from you from now on."

"Certainly, your highness." Draco snorted.

As they joked back and forth, they made their way slowly to the doors of the room. Harry was glad for their easy bantering, it left no room for the hideous memories which accompanied the room to fester between them. It was plainly clear that neither of them wished to rehash the events of the Fiendfyre situation.

The destroyed diadem lay forgotten where they left it. Neither of them wanted to touch it much, and nobody could do anything with it now that it was ruined. They figured there'd be no harm in leaving it there.

Harry pushed the door open, stepping into the corridor bathed in watery sunlight from the winter sky outside. Draco blinked in the brightness, "What day is it? Have we really spent that long in there?"

"I don't know." Harry said, "Do you care?"

Draco looked at him, "Honestly? Not really. It's the holidays so there's no classes, and I already know everything I got for Christmas. I really can't be arsed to go back to Slytherin right now."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, "God, me too. I can't face the questions. Can we go somewhere?"

Draco looked at him quizzically, "Yes, but where? There's only so much we can do when we are restricted to Hogwarts. Pretty much everywhere is fair game to other students, even Hogsmeade- unless you count here, but I don't think either of us fancy spending the day shut up in there."

Harry suppressed a shiver at the thought, "No, that's true. We need somewhere secret. Somewhere to relax."

Draco nodded, "Yeah, and somewhere no one else can find. It's a shame there's not another Room of Requirement, or like, some sort of secret room in the grounds or something."

It was then that Harry was struck with an idea.

"A room in the grounds! Oh, Draco I know where we can go!"

"You do?"

"Yes! Just wait here, I'll get my invisibility cloak, then we can go."

Draco looked uncertain, but agreed all the same.

"Great, okay, see you back here in ten minutes!" And with that, Harry took off down the corridor.


Draco thought he was doing exceptionally well at remaining coherent whilst being in such a close vicinity to Harry.

In fact, he was quite proud of it.

For some reason, he had not at all anticipated that being under an invisibility cloak with Harry would involve quite so much brushing up against each other. The hip to hip contact was doing unfortunate things to Draco's train of thought, and every time Harry whispered something to him, and his breath ghosted across Draco's skin, Draco's brain short circuited and he couldn't even remember whatever it was Harry had said.

Before long, they had crossed the chilly grounds and were crunching their way through the frosted grass to the Whomping Willow. When they neared it at last, Harry stopped, tearing the cloak off them and looking around at the leaf strewn floor.

"Harry, what are you bloody doing? I thought you knew somewhere we could hang out in secret!" Draco said irritatedly. As pleasant as the journey had been for the buried away parts of his mind, his warming charm was rapidly wearing off, and he was not happy to be standing in the freezing cold in the middle of winter without so much as a cloak to keep him warm.

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