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- Courtney's POV -

I don't know what happened that night. I truthfully and honestly don't know what happened but as long as I was in my own bed.
I got up and looked in my mirror, frustrated at myself for sleeping in mascara.
"I look like a mess" I pondered to myself before getting ready to hop in the shower.

I got in, washed then got out, and since I wasn't going anywhere I wore my red plaid pajama shorts and a black cropped tank top and put my hair in a ponytail. I smelled toast and got excited, it was probably my mom coming home since she has been on her business trip for so long. I put on my Rudolph slippers and ran downstairs.

My smile faded.
"Oh. It's you." I said opening the fridge and trying to act as calm as possible.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Duncan said.
"I made breakfast." He added.
"I am NOT eating that." I said, looking at the deformed toast and blueberries.
"Why not" He said, popping a blueberry into his mouth.
"Cause it looks like.. that.." I giggled.
He frowned at me while I grabbed the yogurt from the fridge.
"More for me" he shrugged.
"Why are you here? Don't you have a family?" I asked
"Yeah, why?" He answered.
I stayed silent.
"Never mind."
I looked at my phone to text Bridge when I saw a text from my mother.
"I won't be here for Christmas, you can always stay at uncle Colton's house if you want."
I read the message in my head, then looked disappointed.
"Do you want to see something?" He said, noticing my disappointment.
I nodded and he took me to look out the window. It was snowing!
I grabbed my knee length coat and my book and ran outside to jump in the snow.
(I take a book with me everywhere just in case)
"Jump in!" I exclaimed.
"No. I don't do-" he began to say, but I couldn't hear the rest because I pulled him in the snow.
The snow was almost 7 inches feet high.

Let's go down the street" I suggested. "Sure thing, princess." He had replied, smirking as he followed me down the street, our surroundings were beautifully covered in snow and festive decorations.
"Hm?" I said, flipping through my book then quickly closing it due to all the snowflakes. "What's that?" He pointed at the closed book I held close to her chest. "A new read?"
"Nosy much?" I teased.
"Guilty as charged," Duncan admitted with a chuckle.
"It's just a book," I said simply, "nothing special." I held it out to him slightly. "It's about this girl who falls in love with a guy who's kind of a bully. They both have their issues, but they somehow find solace in each other." I stated.
"Sounds interesting," He said, taking the book from her hands and flipping through the pages. "You know, for someone who claims not to be into love stories, you sure do have a thing for naughty and rebellious guys."
I was going to smile, then gave him a side eye after realizing thats the definition of him. He wasn't wrong though, I'd just never admit it.
"Is that so?" He raised an eyebrow, amused by her reaction.
"Don't push it" I replied.
He grinned, not backing down. "Hey, I'm just trying to understand you better, y'know?" He reached out again, this time brushing a lock of snowy hair off her cheek gently. "Don't be so tough on me."
"I'm not tough on you," I insisted, trying to maintain my defenses. "I'm just... cautious."
"I bet you are," he agreed. "And I can understand why. I used to be the same way. But sometimes, you have to take a chance. You never know what might happen." He took a step closer.
"You're really unpredictable." I stated.
"Well," he drawled, stepping even closer, "maybe I like being unpredictable. It keeps things interesting."
"Whatever. I'm cold let's go inside" I said, intertwining his hand with mine.
I grabbed two hot chocolate packages and two mugs. "Want some?" I asked, the hot chocolate pack in the air. He watched as I grabs the hot chocolate packages, his expression softening slightly.
"Well, if you insist" he said.
He takes one of the packages.
"That is the best damn hot cocoa I've ever had. And you, you make everything better. You're so beautiful, inside and out. Again, sorry for being a dick." He said.
"You're fine" I replied.
"I know" He said, flexing his muscles.
"Aaand you ruined it." I deadpanned.
He chuckled.
"Say.. would you like to go somewhere?" He suggested.
I nodded. Why not? What's the worst that can happen?
I was slightly nervous but also excited for this new adventure with him. As we rode, the cool night air brushed against me, causing goosebumps to form. He pulled up to a secluded spot in the woods and turned off his bike, guiding me off the seat and to the ground. He reached out, taking my hand in his, and led me into the forest. I looked up as the snowflakes landed on my eyelashes.

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