‣ party time ‣

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- Courtney's POV -

When we arrived, I stepped in and greeting everyone, immediately trying to look for Heather.
Still looking for her, I turn around slightly to see from the corner of my eye Gwen (somewhat) all over Duncan.  It kind of made me mad, but I don't know why. It's not like I like him or anything because that would be horrible. Gwen's my very good friend and I should be happy for her, but for some reason I'm a bit upset at her. (Not that I like her boyfriend or anything)

I stood there thinking to myself while staring at them, and I guess Heather saw me staring at them because she elbowed me and said "Jealous?" "As if" I replied, looking away from the couple. "Yeah sure" she said, half hugging me."Well you can't stay sad sulking at them forever.. instead we should actually have some fun!" She stated. "I mean I guess so" I told her
"Come on let's get wasted!"  She said, then dragging me away.

We took pictures, drank, laughed, and danced for a while, and I started to get a little dizzy, but not crazy dizzy.. I think. I walked to the couch and stumbled when I saw something I thought I would never see. Gwen kissing Trent. I took a picture then went to go show Heather.
"Look.. what.. I.. FOUND" I said to her
She took the phone shocked then smiled.
"Do you know what could happen? We NEED to send that to Duncan. You can finally be with him!" She said.
"Yeah but that's also bad. I'm not doing it just so I can get with him I'm doing it because everyone deserves to know if they are being cheated on or not" I stated.
"Yeah yeah yeah whatever" Heather said, rolling her eyes.

Just then, I saw Gwen whisper to Trent and that's when Geoff told everyone to gather around for a quick game of truth or dare.
We came together in a circle, and I sat next to Bridgette. "Okay so the rules are simple.. You pick either truth or dare and to make sure no one is lying you will be put in a lie detector test" Geoff stated while everyone nodded.

"So.. who wants to ask first?" Geoff questioned.
Everyone looked around silently.
"I'll go!" Heather said.
And that is how I know whatever she's about to say.. it is not going to be good at all.
She turned to Gwen and asked..
"Truth or dare weird goth girl?"
"Uh.. truth I guess" Gwen replied, side-eyeing her then looking away, as she was getting out in the lie detector.

"Is it true you would EVER cheat on Duncan even if you didn't mean to?" Heather said, smirking.
"Uhm.. no" Gwen shrugged. "Oh really?" Heather said. Gwen nodded and the lie detector went off.
"Looks like thats a lie dude.." Geoff stated.
"Not true. This lie detector is wrong dingus" Duncan said. "Then what is this?" Heather said, pulling up the picture of her and Trent kissing.
"H-how'd you get that?" She asked, looking around."I have my ways" Heather uttered.
Gwen looked at Duncan and Duncan looked at Heather and Heathery looked at me looking at Gwen.

"Harsh" Geoff said, breaking the silence.

Then Duncan told Gwen to follow him.
"Cmon Courtney lets listen in on their convo!" Heather conveyed, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door.
We couldn't hear much, but some of what I heard was..

"Because you don't pay attention to me! It's all about *inaudible* and everything has to be about COURTNEY. You're so self centered *inaudible*"
Then I heard "Do it for all I care!"

Me and Heather looked at each other then she back to the room and smiled meanwhile I stayed there and waited for him to come back.

"Are you alright?" I asked
"It's whatever. I broke up with her because she was being a bitch" He said.
I shrugged.
"What now..?" I questioned.
"Wanna make out?" He asked.
"No." I replied, grabbing his face and kissing him.
We made out for a long time (you can guess what happened after) then Heather drove me and Bridgette home to have a "Girls day" tomorrow.

- authors note -
I would write the juicy stuff for you giys but I'm like so sick rn it's CRAZY.
hope u liked this chapter and the drama cuz I sure did 😋
stay tuned for next chapter!

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